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Brunch with Dexter
Unfortunately ours has got a tumour on his jaw which is swollen so he's constantly slavering and not so photogenic anymoreasad1.

Makes being woken up by him interesting, feeling a cold drip on your face rather than his usual claw to the neck.:laugh8:
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A present from earlier...dunno the culprit.
My money's on Butter 🙂.

Reminds me. We hand reared two chicks who were as identical as they were strange looking (I'll dig out a picture). They went everywhere together so we called them left and right. One of them had a coordination problem in that it's pecking aim was out. It always pecked about half an inch above what it was aiming at. Ok when it was pecking at food from a bowl but couldn't get small insects etc.
If only my cats would live in such harmony.

For context, add some Grrrrrr into the picture from the much older black one.

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Look at their tails :laugh8: - I'm bigger than you.

Reminds me of when one of our cats came clattering through the cat flap looking like a big ball of fluff and jumped straight onto the windowsill and started howling at something in the garden. I looked but couldn't see anything. They live in their own world don't they.