Started as a bootroom to wash and store our veg, now 50% is over to brewing!
Does this Count ?
You went for a Johnson’s kit? How are you finding it in the commercial world?
Certainly not! I think that should be reported as an abusive post ... ? … making us jealous and then trying to get our approval. Grrr.Does this Count ? ...
We can wait 'til we see photos of that too.… Just waiting to exchange contracts for our house so I can get my new honebrew setup going.
You've a keen eye! The Johnsons kit used to belong to Tiny Rebel before us, to be honest it's quite nice and a massive improvement over the wood clad PBC kit (Dave Porter). Jumping from 25 litre to 2000 litre batches was nerve wracking but great fun.
I'm thoroughly enjoying myself and I've learned a great deal that I can take back to homebrewing. Just waiting to exchange contracts for our house so I can get my new honebrew setup going.
So what’s the brewery and What’s your involvement?
I’ve looked at and brewed on a few PBC kits and not being unkind, but they aren’t the best. The Johnsons/Malrex/Elite stainless equipment is a big step up in quality from the budget end.
Been measuring up for my brew/pub shed space today. Got a massive garden but just can't decide where to put it. The place where I do want it is where there are sewage pipes running underground so may have to approach welsh water to ask permission to build on top
I understood the line to be “if it’s on your land it’s your problem” when it comes to sewage pipes and water supply pipes. So by all means check, but I don’t think they will care. Other than suggesting you don’t do it in case there is a problem.
Does this mean we get another brew shed build thread?
Always looking to cadge something @ClintIf the pipes service other properties are you allowed to tap into them? Wonder if you could cadge some water and electricity?
They are sewage pipes. Nothing worth cadging. Yes I can tap into them but they then become my responsibility just like the other pipes under my landIf the pipes service other properties are you allowed to tap into them? Wonder if you could cadge some water and electricity?
..... Trying out the Black Friday grainfather in the house was immediately vetoed....
Hi!Trying out the Black Friday grainfather in the house was immediately vetoed....