Ho Ho Ho, it's that time of year again. If you new to the forum, or haven't been paying attention for the last few years then read on. Otherwise, you know what to do!
A few weeks before Christmas you send off a beer to one or two different forum members. You will then get a beer from either one or two brewers in return. All beers are sent anonymously or else it wouldn’t be a secret.
The swap is open to all types of brewers, from kits to all grain, beginners to old hands. Don't be put off by the thought of your beer being reviewed, it’s Christmas and positive, constructive feedback is expected. This is not the place for a competition style deconstruction.
If you’re up for joining in this year’s fun post "I'm in" or something similar below and send me a PM with your postal details (even if you sent them to me before). The closing date for this years entries will be Friday 6th December allowing a week and a bit to package and post your bottle(s) before the last postal date for Christmas (Wednesday 18th December). Your swaps will be sent to you by PM on Saturday 7th or Sunday 8th December. I recommend posting beers as soon as possible, in the event of a breakage there’s still time to get a replacement bottle out for a Christmas Eve arrival. When you receive a beer, post a quick photo so your Santa knows that their bottle has arrived safely. If you’ve already swapped at lot of beer with someone else whose taking part, let me know and I’ll try to direct your swaps elsewhere.
I will post periodic updates in this thread on who’s in and for how many bottles. Keep an eye out for these updates and make sure I’ve got you in correctly.
As always the review thread will open on Christmas Eve, in the meantime happy brewing every one
A few weeks before Christmas you send off a beer to one or two different forum members. You will then get a beer from either one or two brewers in return. All beers are sent anonymously or else it wouldn’t be a secret.
The swap is open to all types of brewers, from kits to all grain, beginners to old hands. Don't be put off by the thought of your beer being reviewed, it’s Christmas and positive, constructive feedback is expected. This is not the place for a competition style deconstruction.
If you’re up for joining in this year’s fun post "I'm in" or something similar below and send me a PM with your postal details (even if you sent them to me before). The closing date for this years entries will be Friday 6th December allowing a week and a bit to package and post your bottle(s) before the last postal date for Christmas (Wednesday 18th December). Your swaps will be sent to you by PM on Saturday 7th or Sunday 8th December. I recommend posting beers as soon as possible, in the event of a breakage there’s still time to get a replacement bottle out for a Christmas Eve arrival. When you receive a beer, post a quick photo so your Santa knows that their bottle has arrived safely. If you’ve already swapped at lot of beer with someone else whose taking part, let me know and I’ll try to direct your swaps elsewhere.
I will post periodic updates in this thread on who’s in and for how many bottles. Keep an eye out for these updates and make sure I’ve got you in correctly.
As always the review thread will open on Christmas Eve, in the meantime happy brewing every one