Schwarzbier question.

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New Member
Feb 26, 2013
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Want to brew a schwarzbier, but I'm not set up for largering yet. Would it be terrible to use an ale yeast? And if not, any ideas what to use? Preferably dried as I haven't used a liquid yeast yet...
I know nothing about schwarzbier but there are a few ale yeasts that ferment quite cleanly. I think Safale US-05 is used a lot for this.
Thanks for the reply rpt. So... clean tasting yeast is a fair substitute for a larger? (For a newbie like me anyway!) Cool, I'll have a go at that. Cheers.
Personally, I would use a lager yeast (and Carafa grain to avoid overpowering roasted flavours). If lager yeast isn't an option then US-05 would be a fairly good alternative.
I notice that Saflager S-23 has a fermentation temperature range of 9-22C but ideally 12-15C. So you might still be able to use a lager yeast successfully.