Sanatized equipment

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Active Member
Feb 6, 2013
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I'm about to bottle my first brew ever, and I'm going to use the bottles that came in the kit. They are coopers PET bottles. The instructions say that all the equipment in the kit just needs rinsing as it has already been sanitized. I still sanitized all the stuff and will probablly do the bottles as well before I use them.

I was wondering, since the bottles or any of the stuff that came in the kit wasn't sealed in airtight bags, is it still sanitized? And would it be ok just to rinse and use.

Also, how long would something remain sanitized for? So, say I cleaned and sanitized my fermenter and other equpment right after I'd used them and put them away for a month. Would I need to re-sanitize them or just rinse and use?

Maxxyjazz said:
I'm about to bottle my first brew ever, and I'm going to use the bottles that came in the kit. They are coopers PET bottles. The instructions say that all the equipment in the kit just needs rinsing as it has already been sanitized. I still sanitized all the stuff and will probablly do the bottles as well before I use them.

I was wondering, since the bottles or any of the stuff that came in the kit wasn't sealed in airtight bags, is it still sanitized? And would it be ok just to rinse and use.

Also, how long would something remain sanitized for? So, say I cleaned and sanitized my fermenter and other equpment right after I'd used them and put them away for a month. Would I need to re-sanitize them or just rinse and use?


When I used the bottles for the first time I sanitised them. After all they are only in a box, anything can crawl in :-?

The sanitiser I use says use immediatly once sanitised, im sure the same applies to most if not all sanitisers.
I agree. Sanitise before use. Can't understand why they would say ready sanitised as they may have been in the box for months or even years in a warehouse somewhere.
I sanitised mine, especially as my box had been opened by the seller (brewuk) presumably to change the can that came with it.
+1 for sanitise then use as soon as...if nothing its peace of mind as well :cheers:
I followed the advice of coopers my time out and just rinsed everything with hot water and it turned out fine but knowing what i know now i would definately sanitize before use. You might get away with not doing it but when its so easy to sanitize stuff why not do it and just give yourself the best chance possible of good beer. Its also just good practice
If you're using any of the cleaner/steriliser powders sold by homebrew shops or suppliers, or bleach or Milton, then yes, always rinse thoroughly.

Some of us use Videne or Star San. These don't need rinsing, just drain them as best you can.

Maxxyjazz said:
Also, how long would something remain sanitized for? So, say I cleaned and sanitized my fermenter and other equipment right after I'd used them and put them away for a month. Would I need to re-sanitize them or just rinse and use?
My buckets or screw-topped fermenters are washed and dried immediately after use then disinfected before I use them again.

My glass demijohns or plastic bottles I use for fermenting wines are washed and disinfected immediately after use, then I pour in about an inch of water and crush in 2-3 Campden tablets before covering the neck with cling film. If I want to re-use these vessels within a month or two then I will just drain the sulphite solution and they are good to go.

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