Sam's brew day's

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Think you could do a pleasant Summer Ale with those.

MO/Golden Promise, perhaps some wheat or similar, and maybe a smidgeen of light caramalt. Challenger to bitter, EKG for flavour, and First Gold for aroma/whirlpool (or maybe switch around the last two depending on your tastes).

4%ish, English Ale yeast. Sounds very drinkable on paper.
I haven't brewed now in over 2 months, I have just put an order in for grain and hop's. Hopefully it will kick start Me to start brewing again.
Im the same. Been months. Was thinking of just buying an all grain kit pre milled for handiness just to make me brew something. Can’t get through the stuff I have on tap either cause we away most weekends in camper so might bottle for ease.
What did you plan to brew ?
This is My problem as well, during the summer I spend My free time in the caravan. The plan is for an American amber with centennial, Chinook and Amarillo. American pale with talus and galaxy. Saison and a stout. I bought Tonka beans for the stout, I also plan to add vanilla and coffee beans. Something along the lines of levig 3 bean stout
First brew back keeping it simple
5kg Minch malt
200g wheat
200g carapils

10g H-blanc@30mins
20g H-blanc@10mins
20g H-blanc, 30g talus, 30g galaxy @flameout
50gH-blanc,20g talus and 70g galaxy keg hop.

Yeast Bry 97
That’s a lot of keg hops Sam, I normally use up to about 30-40g. You’ll have to let us know how you get on. Respect! 😉
American amber

4.5 kg Minch malt
150g biscuit malt
150g dark crystal
300g caramunich 2

I added some roasted barley at mash out to adjust the colour

15g centennial@30mins
20g centennial+ 20g Amarillo@10mins
20g centennial+30g Amarillo@flameout

I will also dry hop. Yeast is Bry 3

Listening to Oasis waiting on this big announcement tomorrow 😁
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I am also planning My next brew, I have Tonka beans I would like to use in a stout. Something along the lines of levig 3 bean stout. Coffee, vanilla and Tonka beans
I have no home brew at all to drink, I am enjoying brewing again. So I kegged the galaxy, talus H-blanc pale ale which I kegged hopped. I dry hopped the American amber, and I have the porter fermenting. So time to look at the next beer, I have saisonstein monster yeast in the fridge, I might give a modern Saison a go next.
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West coast IPA

5kg Minch malt
200g carapils
200g cara red

15g Magnum@30mins
15g centennial, 15g cascade, 15g Chinook @10mins
30g cascade, 30g Chinook @ flameout
Dry hop or hop tea. If Chinook and cascade

Yeast Bry 97
OG 1.050
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I have Saisonstein monster yeast on the stir plate, the last time I brewed with this it tasted of bubblegum. Not exactly what I would expect in a Saison. If this happens again the yeast will be ditched and I will go back to french Saison yeast
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Kegged the American amber, colour looks spot on. Added some of the slurry to the west coast IPA. Thats 2 beers kegged and 2 fermenting. I can start to look at some beers that take longer to brew. I am thinking of brewing a dark lager that I brewed at the start of the year. I am also considering going back to bottling some beers. It will free up kegs.

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