@JockyBrewer Love it.Not what I was thinking. Cook it & let it absorb all the water. Then add it to my overnight mash, where everything liquor and grain bill This means it will sit with the barley for 6 hours at 20c before the mash starts.
While typing this I am reminded of resistant starches. Causes by letting rice chill. Hmm. It will change.
If it needs to be added cooked, it needs to be Mashed immediately after cooking, while still hot.
Before I first started playing with rice I read about some people that pre cooked their rice the day before and then add it to strike water so the next day their strike water is a big starchy soup, so I think it does work. I couldn't really do that as it would burn on the element in my HLT/Kettle.
Give it a go and see - you will learn something.