recommendation for pump

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[Superlative Сasual Dating Real Women]
Apr 7, 2012
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I had a 12v solar pump attached to my CFC but it snapped at the neck prior to my last brewday, perhaps resulting in the infection in my whole days brew of 75lt due to having to cool overnight. i am looking for a replacement and want to know if anyone can recommend a decent sturdy pump that wont break the bank and i can get delivered for early next week ? the solar pump was ok but it wasnt very powerful pulling wort out the kettle into fermenter.
Pumps! This shouldn't be difficult but it is! Unless I'm doing something wrong the choice in the UK is very limited. I couldn't find any recent forum postings either. My requirement is for a pump to re-circulate the wort. Initially at boil temperature for sterilisation and then to create a whirlpool effect during the cooling process (by immersed coils). That means a pump that can handle boiling liquids and has the flow to create the whirlpool in the boiler during cooling.

I've spent a couple of hours and this is all I've come up with are:

Pump: March May 809
materials: Stainless or Polysulfone(cheaper)
Flow rate (L/min): 10.3/16.7 (in-line/centre port)
Head (M): 0.92
Temp (C): 121
Price: £250+
P&P: 350?
Source: US
Comments: Issues of CE cert?

Pump: March May MMP-3
Flow rate (L/min): 20
Head (M): 18
Temp (C): 85
Price: £70
P&P £13

Pump: Totton GP series
Flow rate (L/min):
Head (M)
Temp (C) 85
Price £200?
Source UK

Pump: EBARA CDXM (didn't bother much after seeing the price)
Flow rate (L/min):
Head (M)
Temp (C) 100+
Price £300+
Source UK
Comments £270 for lower temp

Pump: homebrew pump 12V
materials: poly-something
Flow rate (L/min): 15
Head (M): 8
Temp (C) >100
Price £49
P&P £6.50
Comments: Food safe, magnetically coupled

Pump: Chugger in-line
materials: Stainless / Polysulfone
Flow rate (L/min): 22.7
Head (M): 4.1
Temp (C): 121
Price: £91 / £65
P&P: £50?
Source: US
Comments: 50/60 Hz 115v (also centre version available)

Chugger would be my choice if they were readily available in UK. The fact they state 50Hz is important as some motors/transformers will fail prematurely if run at the wrong frequency. The voltage isn't an issue for me as I have transformers. I'm also tempted by the 12v pump from here...

...but really want a more solid pump.

I'm totally confused by March May - lots on the forums about not being CE certified and the UK website is pants! If they're so good why so difficult to find?

I have a SS pump from Vigo for cider but it's not rated above 85 degC. Nice pump though but it doesn't look like they sell it any more and I don''t want to mix duties. Got to keep the cider yeast away from the brewery.

Have I missed something obvious?

Some of the collective wisdom would be much appreciated.