Well, if they're grains, they'll have to be steeped or mashed. Is it a kit? What equipment do you have?
Easiest way is to put the grain in a bag (was there one supplied?) then soak in 67 degree water for 30 minutes ( for choco or other specialty grains, since no sugars can be converted) then remove the bag and let drain for 15 minutes. Add spray malt and top and I would boil for a bit since you're working with hops.
First hop you'll add is mostly bittering. You probably want to break up your hops in half. Add half at start of boil and, just me, I would add the rest at flameout. To get bitterness, you'll want to boil for like 30 minutes. It's kind of a waste to use such a great hop to bitter, but I'm sure that's all you have, right?