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Jan 28, 2012
Reaction score
Vienna, Austria
I made a mistake...

I'm doing a 10 gal batch that is split up into two 5gal boils. The two boils will ferment separately, but I plan to blend them for conditioning.

When I did the 60 min bittering addition in the first 5 gal boil, I accidentally put in all of the bittering hops for both 5 gal batches.

Am I safe to do the second boil without adding any bittering hops since I'm going to blend it anyway?

Or should I do the second batch normally and just not blend it?
For more info, it is a blonde ale 1.039OG 21.7IBU.

It's only supposed to be .5oz of bitting hops for the whole 10 gal, but I threw in .5oz for 5 gal.
Loetz said:
For more info, it is a blonde ale 1.039OG 21.7IBU.

It's only supposed to be .5oz of bitting hops for the whole 10 gal, but I threw in .5oz for 5 gal.

I could be entirely wrong here but I believe it will be less bitter than it would have been had you done it in 2 separate batches. When working out the amount of hops to add it isn't linear with the size of the brew. For example, adding 1 oz for 10 gallons isn't the same as adding 2oz for 20 gallons. As I understand it 1oz in 10 would be similar to say 1.5oz in 20.

Not really sure how to work out what would be required etc, I wouldn't think all is lost though. It'll probably just be less bitter with a little less aroma but more experienced guys will hopefully reply and let you know better than me :)
Bah, screw it. I'm doing the second boil now and I'm just going to do it normally as if it's a 5 gal batch and then I won't blend them. The first batch is just going to be bitter.
You know, tomorrow I'm doing a barley wine. Maybe I'll throw a bit of the second runnings in that bitter batch and then just see what happens.
I'd add half the amount to the 2nd boil then blend them both :)

That should just about even it out.

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