Trying be be impartial, so no judging or jumping to the wrong conclusion.
Due to absense of the full details of the actual events, ( which we probably will never know)
it is very hard to make out this entire allegation.
Was it factual that Virginia Roberts was "Forced" by Jeffrey Epstein to have sex with or rather, raped by the prince. If so, she was accusing prince Andrew of a very serious criminal offence, as a Rapist.
(It is fair to clarify that forced a sexual act without mutual consent is rape)
What were the sequence of events leading to all the rapes.
Was she drugged ?
Did she accept money but was tricked into being raped instead of just providing massage service ?
Was she raped, not once, not twice, but 3 times? If so, after the first rape, why did she return.
or was she somehow coerced, and had no choice. Was 17 a consensual age at the time ?
Having briefly seen Prince Andrew's interview. He said he had no recollection of ever having met Virginia Roberts. or categorically not remember so. How would forgetfulness be proved? Lets say that, it may be possible , as he has met thousands and thousands of people, .. or possibly even slept with a fair number over the years ( well people in high , or any, places do sleep around ). So yes it would be a tall order to remember names and faces after meeting so many. Unless one has photographic memory. Or it was someone very special