Possible central Manchester brewers meeting

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Oct 28, 2010
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This is an inital 'heads up' about a possible brewers meeting in central Manchester. It's still in an initial stage but I'd like peoples thoughts before the plans get finalised...

I've been talking to Dave, the guy that runs MadLab http://madlab.org.uk/, about using Madlab as a venue for meet ups of brewers. He is very positive about the idea and we'll be be looking at organising an initial event in the relatively near future.
The location is in the Northern Quarter, near Piccadilly Station, it's a nice little venue used by a lot of groups to hold meetings and should be perfect for a brewing event. My immediate thought is for a Saturday afternoon event, though weekday evenings would also be a possibility.

Anyway, thoughts, opinions and comments please.
I might come. I do wine, mostly, but I'm planning some experiments with millet and might want help/advice/equipmentloan from an experienced all-grain brewer. It'd be useful to chat to some, at least. If (big if) the millet experiments go well, I could make a short talk out of it if you wanted, though I've always hated public speaking, managed to keep my teaching hours under 20/year all through my Uni career.
yehh! i'm a wine brewer, but I would look forward to a M/CR meet......any excuse for a beer. Saturday would be best for me.



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