I’ve got a friend who has one. He’s done three kits with it.
American Pale Ale (free with Pinter)
German Pilsner
American Pale Ale (free replacement)
This first was undrinkable and he just poured it away. Full of yeast and pretty nasty (his description, I never tasted it).
The second I did try and I had to pour it. Buttery and strong green apples. The diacetyl is understandable given the temps and time for fermentation but it was unpleasant.
The third was a replacement that Pinter sent for the first awful batch. It was much better than the lager. I managed a half. It was quite bitter and it was a sharp bitterness but it was an improvement over the lage
He’s been gradually extending out his fermenting and conditioning times which might explain the improvement.
I get the feeling he’s going through the false smile and end of honeymoon period that
@Drunkula mentioned above.
He wanted to “pimp” the next one so I offered home some spray malt. He went with some dextrose in the end.
It’s certainly interesting to see the adaptations that are being made to the instructions in order to produce something.
I get the feeling he’ll end up on a 2-2 schedule so will get 1 brew a month, then end up buying a second vessel so he can get 2 a month.