you guys have posted some really really nice photos! and thanks for the kind words about mine, i appreciate it alot!
i like the panorama, i've taken a few of those myself since i found out how easy photoshop makes it to knit all the seperate pics together!
you ex photographers without much time on your hands, keep a camera in your glove box or in your bag, you never know what opportunities you'll see on your travels around!
loads and loads of times ive times ive missed a good opportunity because i didnt have a camera to hand =]
what ive started doing is making a folder for each month and putting everything i take in that month in it. so im on 'feb 2011' at the moment. its working out really well, it encourages me to get and take more pictures to fill the folder up, i can see how my picture taking is progressing and as a bonus it also works a bit like a diary in the way that i can look at each photo and remember where i was, what i was doing and who i was with. im useless and forget everything so it's quite handy in that respect!
im just trying to upload a few things to deviant art as imageshack is a bit of a bastard and doesnt like large file sizes.
ill see what else ive got on my hard drive and post a few of my explorings