Paying for French / German Ebay Pots Paranoia

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Belter said:
pretty sure if you email them direct you get a better price?

Could be correct, that's what I did, but never looked at the eBay prices so....

My 50 litre pot cost me around £39 delivered by going direct and only took 3 days from payment.
TRX / Belter. Think you're both right re the saving.
My 50 litre was £34.
The postage was £24 for 3 items ( two 50 litre pots and one 32.5 litre Thermobox )
Obviously, the TBox is much heavier than the pans but splitting the postage 3 ways makes my 50 litre come in at maybe £41 or £42 ?
So, there is a couple of quid to be saved by going direct. I'll remember this next time around when I upgrade !!!

( Shiny Fever - not even built this lot yet !!! ) :cool:
Vossy1 said:
Blimey, I think we have a case of shiny fever on the forum :P :lol: at Christmas again :cool:

I'm resisting the temptation of another 70l for a dedicated HLT, my old burco will be fine (I'll have to keep telling myself...)
Ordered last Thursday night.
Dispatched Friday.
Received today
That's decent service :thumb:

TRXnMe said:
Belter said:
pretty sure if you email them direct you get a better price?

Could be correct, that's what I did, but never looked at the eBay prices so....

My 50 litre pot cost me around £39 delivered by going direct and only took 3 days from payment.

How much was the actual postage for you and how much was the pot? Did you order many things or just the pot? I have paid them £40 as according to their invoice. The postage said 11.90 Euros=£9.90. Direct order not using Ebay's system. Then I just got an email saying they had made a mistake and want me to pay another £6.50 since they want £16.40 for the postage. I am in Sweden but when I look at DHL it seems they have the same prices for sending abroad but within the EU.

Not big money but annoying since I have already paid the invoice from them. It would make mine £46.50 which is more than people here have got them for using Ebay...

Note: I sent them a message over Ebay followed by a direct email. I think that got multiple people involved in my order who started giving me different prices. The one who gave me the expensive price told the other lady that I should pay more. That is my guess. My advice - stay off Ebay completely when dealing with them :-)

calumscott said:
Vossy1 said:
Blimey, I think we have a case of shiny fever on the forum :P :lol: at Christmas again :cool:
I'm resisting the temptation of another 70l for a dedicated HLT, my old burco will be fine (I'll have to keep telling myself...)
After the Oatmeal Stout Debacle I am seriously trying to resist buying another 80L Thermobox to convert rather than fettle my existing 80L thermobox . . .

No . . . Must . . . . Resist . . . . The . . . . Shiney . . . .
There is so much shiney fever around at the moment.

Is everyone beginning to look like this


:lol: :lol:
Vossy1 said:
Welcome to the forum J :thumb: I'd be expecting them to honour the price you've paid, they should pay for their mistake not you.
Thanks Vossy, I agree should be considered bought and paid for. Not sure if they will tell me to bugger off if I argue too much with them. Wish they would just send it to me. I want my new shiny thing :)
Does anyone have the link to the Bergland Ebay site as Ive lost the link. Looking to upgrade to a SS Thermopot from my Thermos Coolbox. Should look nice next to my new SS Boiler :grin: .
Aleman said:
After the Oatmeal Stout Debacle I am seriously trying to resist buying another 80L Thermobox to convert rather than fettle my existing 80L thermobox . . .

What happened with the oatmeal stout?
Buster said:
Does anyone have the link to the Bergland Ebay site as Ive lost the link. Looking to upgrade to a SS Thermopot from my Thermos Coolbox. Should look nice next to my new SS Boiler :grin: .

I tried to post you the link but I am to fresh on this board to be allowed posting links. They are easy to find: Just go to and search for item: 350618413530

If you can't find it search for: MARMITE THERMOS.

I would have ordered a thermos if I had trusted my engineering skills :P If there are any safe submersible options I am all ears :) I ordered a 50 L pot instead and hoping it will boil if I put it on all 4 tops on my stove and crank them. It is in the mail now :-)

johnny_dove said:
How much was the actual postage for you and how much was the pot?

I don't know mate, I don't have the email any more and can't remember if they quoted me one price for pot and delivery or a split price for pot + delivery costs.

All I do know is that they did exactly what they said they would do and I got exactly what they offered me. I hope to be going back to them in the next 6 months for an 80 litre thermo and a 100 litre pot to convert to a boiler in order to upgrade my current brewery, I'm happy they'll not mess me around in the UK as well. Maybe the Germans just don't like Sweden for some reason or other ;)
johnny_dove said:
Buster said:
Does anyone have the link to the Bergland Ebay site as Ive lost the link. Looking to upgrade to a SS Thermopot from my Thermos Coolbox. Should look nice next to my new SS Boiler :grin: .

I tried to post you the link but I am to fresh on this board to be allowed posting links. They are easy to find: Just go to and search for item: 350618413530

If you can't find it search for: MARMITE THERMOS.

I would have ordered a thermos if I had trusted my engineering skills :P If there are any safe submersible options I am all ears :) I ordered a 50 L pot instead and hoping it will boil if I put it on all 4 tops on my stove and crank them. It is in the mail now :-)


You'll have no trouble at all! I use a 70l for BIAB and it'll keep a nice boil on three burners throttled back a bit... :thumb: