P D's Baa...r

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Jun 25, 2012
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Just managed to make a bit more space in my overfull garage, sorry Brewery, and having acquired a couple of nice taps ( thanks Cyclops and Buster ) I decided to have an area where they could be displayed and used.

So.................P D's Baa..r


Certainly not as spacious as Falas man cave,, I might just qualify for the counties smallest bar.... :D
I've seen many worse looking professional pubs - you should open up ;-)
Thank you all for the kind comments.... :party:

Its the basic build at the moment and needs titivating up with pub paraphernalia.....
Crisps and nuts on the menu, soup in a basket and crispy steaks to order ( when wifes in a good mood ! )
Bar games will include dominoes cribbage and possibly darts ( plastic sucker version ! )
Pole dancing by arrangement when the clothes prop is not otherwise engaged.

Lord its hard being a business man.....
Nice work PD! I'd love to have the time to fit out the shed/brewery...

Only one bedroom, one stairwell, one landing, one hall, one dining room, one utility room, one kitchen and one conservatory to renovate and the brewery to build then I'm on it... :lol:
Looks great PD.

Great minds think alike on the luggage tags to label cornies :thumb:
as I say it ts just a place for displaying and using the nice taps.
Its a good resting place to sit during a brew day and will be used for draught beer serving during house parties as we don't have any space really for gas and kegs to be rolled out.

Got a couple of Black Sheep Baa...r towels coming, and have seen a nice wall mounted bottle opener and catcher.
Lookin' good PD :thumb:
I want one....
Wonder if I can put my 2 boys in one room and use the then 'spare' room to make a bar.... :hmm:
I am losing the plot... !

I spent an hour the other day collecting some old seperate audio systems out of the loft and fixing them in the bar.
Wired everything up and tried out the old mini disk system. It worked perfectly all the little lights and things were winking on and off..great..... but no sound... So I re checked all my connections, especially the speakers...nothing.
Eventually defeated I called on my experienced son ( in music equipment matters ! )

He walked in, looked and.........turned the volume up.........
