Never tip up your FV to get extra out to fill a bottle...

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Jan 27, 2016
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... And if you do and end up with a bottle like this:

Please make sure you don’t open it!

Sooooo - these bottles I did last night goone be ok, though yeah?

Sedimenty beers 20200125_204926.jpg

I kegged off 20 litres of the comedy Fruit n Fibre beer and the keg was up to the 24 litre mark. I thought I had plenty left over for bottling but there was like 5 cm of trub! I really wanted some for 3rd party tastings so tipped that fermenter. Yeahhhh, maybe going to have to bottle some off the keg for external use.

Those are clearly going to get opened, though.
Sooooo - these bottles I did last night goone be ok, though yeah?

View attachment 22671

I kegged off 20 litres of the comedy Fruit n Fibre beer and the keg was up to the 24 litre mark. I thought I had plenty left over for bottling but there was like 5 cm of trub! I really wanted some for 3rd party tastings so tipped that fermenter. Yeahhhh, maybe going to have to bottle some off the keg for external use.

Those are clearly going to get opened, though.
It’s probably going to leave me paranoid for a while. I’d be opening those ones over a washing up bowl with the back door open after tonight. I need a drink to recover but I’m also frightened to open one!

Tidy up went ok, although you can still see a few marks. Builders used crap paint and we were gonna paint the whole house this year anyway, we’ll not be leaving the kitchen to last anymore now though!
Oh god - this has just reminded me. My neighbour said he loves wheat beer and I gave him a few bottles of a wheat I did that was great. Great when I'd drank them early doors. I hadn't tried the rest of them for a few months and every single one I had after that was a frigging anti-matter bomb of froth. Seriously, you could do a pub foam party with one of them.

I haven't bumped into him since but I think my self-built up cred as the Weiss-meister was pretty much shot in the paddock.

Sigh... I will catch me that chicken...
how do you look at breakfast cereal and think - I can make beer out of that!
It's just because I have to know. I really do, and it's as simple as that.

I look at the ingredients and think they're sort of like grains, if I mix in some pale malt will that make beer. And I don't care about failure and it being bad as long as I learn from it. Bad beer always makes nice shandy.

The Fruit n Fibre I did with columbus and cascade and I stupidly did taste tests as it was cold-crashing and they were gorgeous. Even without a dry hop it was bright with cascade. Aaaand I did it again and again aaaand I oxidised it... a bit (too many bits). When I kegged it I thought this tastes a bit funny now.... and not in a good way.

Then I was listening to a podcast about adjuncts with John Palmer and he said fortified cereal oxidises really quickly because of the iron - I tried the beer again, you get nice then absolutely 100% iron-filings, then it moves on. It's only been 2 days, maybe it'll get worse, maybe it'll get better, but it's done and I know it makes damn fine beer if you can keep your damn dick in your pocket.

Aaaaand I also force carbonated the keg with another experiment I wanted to do, which is using a pop bottle to generate co2 from fermenting sugar piped to the keg. And that worked perfectly. I planned for 2.4 levels of co2, 149 g of sugar given the residual co2 in the beer, and none in the pop bottle. 48 hours later a perfect result. A perfect result I'll never use again. I just needed to know.

So - if you're ever thinking "Drunkula, why you do that crazy sh*t?"

I just needed to know.
Somebody is in trouble !!!
Bizarrely she thought it was hilarious. Not sure if it was an “if I don’t laugh I’ll cry” moment but she was fine. It’s actually cleaned up ok and is now less noticeable than the various messes the kids and cats have created. She also stained the bathroom wall with hair dye and scraped my car over the last 6 months so she might be letting it slide as a result of that.

Might give me some ammunition in my “I need a kegerator” argument.
:laugh8::laugh8::laugh8: acheers.Cheers you loons ! Made my day. Drunkula & Mick manufacturing time sensitive incendiary devices , the count gives his away & mick is now in the dog house. Clean up in aisle Dundee please !:laugh8: Seriously guys love your content & you both brew killer beers literally :laugh8:
I always tip the FV to get every drop of beer out. There again, I do keep my eye on it so it is only the beer I'm getting, not the yeast cake.
I also tip the boiler to get every drop of wort out. What's the point of making the stuff if you leave loads of it behind?
I always tip the FV to get every drop of beer out. There again, I do keep my eye on it so it is only the beer I'm getting, not the yeast cake.
I also tip the boiler to get every drop of wort out. What's the point of making the stuff if you leave loads of it behind?
that’s it my boyo quite right !
Then I was listening to a podcast about adjuncts with John Palmer and he said fortified cereal oxidises really quickly because of the iron - I tried the beer again, you get nice then absolutely 100% iron-filings, then it moves on. It's only been 2 days, maybe it'll get worse, maybe it'll get better, but it's done and I know it makes damn fine beer if you can keep your damn dick in your pocket.

This is going to sound silly, but you can remove a good chunk of the iron from fortified cereals using a magnet. I saw a demonstration of this once -- it was memorable. It seems bizarre to add iron filings to breakfast cereal, but I suppose stomach acidity helps convert the iron metal into something the body can use. You'd probably want to crush the cereal and drop the magnet into the powder (putting it in a bag first will help remove the filings from the magnet later on).

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