Good Morning All,
Well i never actually got round to brew day over the weekend due to other committments, but finally managed to commence the brew yesterday morning. All seemed to go really well with the exception of the amount of wort left after the boil, a very dissappointing 18.5 ltrs.
In summary, this is how it all went.
Filled up the Klarstein Mash Kettle with 20 ltrs of water and brought to a boil, decanted 15 ltrs into a spare bucket to be used for sparging. Wrapped it all up to insulate and keep warm while i added a further 10 litrs of water to the Klarstein and brought that up to 73 degrees.
So far so good and now added the mash to the strike water inside the brew bag and gave it all a good strir to ensure no dough balls. All good and continued to stir every 5 to 10 minutes or so. I also decanted a couple of ltrs of wort and emptied that back into the top of the kettle to try and even out the temeratures. This was done after every stir. All good as the manual thermometer showed a good steady 68 degrees throughout the mash so was well happy with that.
The recipe called for a 60 minute mash, but i gave it 75 before switching the kettle off. I pulled the bag from the kettle and let the residual soaked wort drain back into the kettle for a while before dunking the whole bag into the sparge water. I let that sit for around 15 minutes at 70 degrees and stirred every few minutres to axtract the maximum amount of sugars possible.
Once i was happy with the sparge and pulled the grain bag and let drain again, then emptied the sparged wort into the Klarstein and started to bring it up to boil and this is where i had an issue. My kettle is an older analogue style thermostat type and i really struggled to hold a rolling boil. It was more of a vigourous boil in my humble opinion, please tell me if i’m wrong (video below) If i turned the thermostat slightly down in an attemot to control the boil the thermostat clicked of and the element stopped heating. If i then turned the thermostat back to get the element working again it was too high (in my opinion)
The recipe called for a 60 minute boil with hop additions at 30, 15 and flame out, this was done and towards the end the chiller coil was also added and set up ready.
At flame out i gave the wort a good stir and added the hops, started running cold water through the chiller and left that to do it’s thing.
Once chilled down to around 30 degrees and started to tear down all the equipment and decanted the wort into the fermenter and discovered i had only 18.5 (ish) ltrs of wwort, very dissappointing indeed and not sure what i can do to rectify this issue as this is now the second time i’ve came up short. I followed the recipe and added around 25-26 ltrs of wort before the boil, i’ve lost around 7 ltrs boil off which is high.
At 30 degrees it was too warm to add the yeast so that is going in now as the wort in the FV has come down to an acceptible 22 degrees.
OG taken after decanting into FV was 1.042 and that was at 30 degrees so accounting for temperature differential then i won’t be far off the desired 1.045 as per recipe so i’m happy with that, just gutted at the lack of wort.
If there’s anyone out there that can help with the boil issue then please let me know. Can the analogue dial be replaced with a more accurate digital version?