NB. I have a job or two for you if you care to pop down to Somerset for a few weeks.... Your build quality is fan flippin tastic... Crackin job :thumb: :thumb: :thumb:
muddydisco said:Two queries
1, your sight glass is it open ended? As when you turn on the pump to recirc the mash it's going to suck air from the path of least resistance being the sight glass?
2, How will you preheat the HX water before mashing as you can't run that element whilst the hlt is running both elements? Or are you waiting for the mash to be in before pregeating the water?
mark1964 said:Looks ok dont know if ill use ball valves to regulate flow maybe just alter the voltage on the solar pump down a bit. We are going to drill the hole in thermo lid tomorrow our local plumbers dont sock the barrel nipples so if we need one will have to order on line. Had more snow here overnight dont envy your return to Yorkshire :thumb:
BarnsleyBrewer said:Cracking build with innovative ideas, :clap:
What's your day job, are you some type of engineer ?
BB :drink:
Boatman said:I've been building an Arduino controller with DS18B20 temperature measurement, is there any reason you went with pre-built PIDs instead?