After another brewday it’s time for a beer and I’m starting with a saison from
My first observation was that there is quite a bit of sediment in the bottle suggesting this beer was bottle conditioned so a careful pour was needed to get all the beer out, get a good head, and not pour out the sediment. Here we go…
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The appearance of this saison is classic - pale golden yellow colour, well formed fluffy white head, plenty of carbonation, beautifully clear. The head did collapse to a raft over the beer after a while but it never went away.
Aroma - ah! Clean citrus, black and white pepper spice, doughy malt, something slightly floral maybe in the background.
The flavour is also like the aroma with some zesty citrus, the black and white pepper (maybe the black pepper is where the low-level floral notes come from?). I think I can detect a slightly sulphate mineral note so maybe this beer has quite a high gypsum addition? The bitterness is assertive but not strong and suits the style well. The beer is well attenuated, giving the beer a fairly light body (not thin) and it finishes clean and dry. There’s no hint of alcohol on the nose or in the flavour but I sense this isn’t at the lower end of the scale (warm cheeks!

Overall I’d say this is a lovely well made beer that I certainly enjoyed and could happily enjoy again. I’m not sure if the saison style is well known to you but for me you nailed it.
Thank you!