I might be wrong, but I don't think you get minikeg specific carbonation drops. If he's using the ones for bottles he's probably got less than 10g sugar in there, which is well within the realms of a minikeg's limits (Brew UK recommend 20g per keg, I usually do 25g on pale ales with no ill effects and 12g on my DIY Dog Santa Paws)Your photo suggests that the minikeg was torn apart with quite a force, irrespective of whether it was faulty or not.
These kegs have a pressure limit from the little I know about them. Perhaps you doubled up on the carb drops by mistake and that is responsible.
All I can add is that I would be monitoring the corny for any overpressure there. You could also draw off a sample and do an SG check to see if it has dropped by much from your FG, which may suggest it hadn't finished.
You are right that I might be wrong (!) in my appreciation of carbonation drops, especially since I don't use them.I might be wrong, but I don't think you get minikeg specific carbonation drops. If he's using the ones for bottles he's probably got less than 10g sugar in there, which is well within the realms of a minikeg's limits (Brew UK recommend 20g per keg, I usually do 25g on pale ales with no ill effects and 12g on my DIY Dog Santa Paws)