Leaving it too late? Yeast starters...

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Last week I had a whitelabs yeast arrive on wednesday.
I pitched it into 1 litre of 100g dme.
thursday I added another litre and 100g dme
Friday I doubled again to 4litres.

saturday I poured off about 1/2 the liquid and pitched the other 1/2 which had the yeast cake at the bottom.
I was going very well after only a couple of hours. The remaining liquid I have chilled down to drop the yeast out and will grow that up for splitting.

I was short of time ideally but this worked a treat.
Oh lord, I may have created a monster! Pitched the yeast into the starter, left the house to go swimming and upon my arrival a couple of hours later the yeasties were already up to no good judging by the krausen. They might soon take over. This might be my last gnngh... :D
Haha! Gotta love those Whitelabs yeasties. They get so much as a sniff of wort and they go crazy! :party:

What one are you using, out of interest?

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