Today, progress has been made. I actually got round to the first day of kegerator build.
Temperature controller arrived, fiddled around with a Tupperware box I found as my local Maplin doesn't stock any reasonable size enclosures. The controller was a pain to install, not the usual one that is one ebay. This one has NO wiring instructions found a PDF on the company's website and used bablefish to translate it in to Engrish. Painful process but worth not breaking my fridge or getting in trouble with SWMBO.
I managed to get a 'used' dalex flow control tap for £2.50 so I decided to put off the stainless steel for now.. but I couldn't resist the shiny totally.... so I was having a drip tray. It is held up with a standard shelf bracket held in place with a strong magnet in the drip tray dish which keeps it stable enough to hold full pint yet easy enough (only just) to remove for emptying.
While I have been waiting for my bits for the fridge I have built a board to hold my regulator and gas bottle in place. I managed to get a half full bottle for free from my gas driver at the pub. Two CK's and norms wonderful 3way reg in action! I have held the bottle in place with a fabric belt (from some tesco jeans). I don't want my bottle falling over pulling off the reg and denting my lovely A grade kegs... and then knocking over my FV!! ARggh.. So its all nicely boarded up and screwed in to the wall for now. Will be painted and the board will be attached to the side of the keger. For the moment I am just carbonating a brupac Lager @10psi and waiting to fill the other.
Fridge ready for kegs and gas lines!
For now I've got this to get thru!
More updates to come.. Including a paint job, second tab & drip tray, stainless splash back (for shiny.. :grin: ).. and then drinking!
Temperature controller arrived, fiddled around with a Tupperware box I found as my local Maplin doesn't stock any reasonable size enclosures. The controller was a pain to install, not the usual one that is one ebay. This one has NO wiring instructions found a PDF on the company's website and used bablefish to translate it in to Engrish. Painful process but worth not breaking my fridge or getting in trouble with SWMBO.
I managed to get a 'used' dalex flow control tap for £2.50 so I decided to put off the stainless steel for now.. but I couldn't resist the shiny totally.... so I was having a drip tray. It is held up with a standard shelf bracket held in place with a strong magnet in the drip tray dish which keeps it stable enough to hold full pint yet easy enough (only just) to remove for emptying.
While I have been waiting for my bits for the fridge I have built a board to hold my regulator and gas bottle in place. I managed to get a half full bottle for free from my gas driver at the pub. Two CK's and norms wonderful 3way reg in action! I have held the bottle in place with a fabric belt (from some tesco jeans). I don't want my bottle falling over pulling off the reg and denting my lovely A grade kegs... and then knocking over my FV!! ARggh.. So its all nicely boarded up and screwed in to the wall for now. Will be painted and the board will be attached to the side of the keger. For the moment I am just carbonating a brupac Lager @10psi and waiting to fill the other.
Fridge ready for kegs and gas lines!
For now I've got this to get thru!
More updates to come.. Including a paint job, second tab & drip tray, stainless splash back (for shiny.. :grin: ).. and then drinking!