Keg watch will prob just want to retrieve any damaged keg for scrap value. As far as I am ware kegwatch is partly funded by the brewerys. A closed brewery will most likely have all its assets purchased by another brewery or divided up by a liquidation firm including all the containers that are 'out in the trade'.
Keg watch will be after this keg to stop the resale value of the kegs increasing. If damaged kegs or kegtles were commonly available for resale on sites such as ebay or this forum then the obvious value of 'removing' a keg from a pub or brewery and 'converting' it cheaply would increase and so continue to undermine the work of kegwatch and effect brewerys.
Second focus for the kegwatches attempt to return all MIA kegs is to stop the second hand trade and resale values.
Its more likely that keg watch will attempt to return the keg to its rightful owner and let them decide what should happen to the keg in question even if it is scrap value or to be written off and tipped! Or maybe legally resold.
I had considered building a 3 tier brewery from legaly purchased 11g and 22g kegs from my employer however the secondhand value of such a set up even with legal ownership is considerably effected so I am opting to source all containers myself.
Hope this is some help to people.
Keg watch will be after this keg to stop the resale value of the kegs increasing. If damaged kegs or kegtles were commonly available for resale on sites such as ebay or this forum then the obvious value of 'removing' a keg from a pub or brewery and 'converting' it cheaply would increase and so continue to undermine the work of kegwatch and effect brewerys.
Second focus for the kegwatches attempt to return all MIA kegs is to stop the second hand trade and resale values.
Its more likely that keg watch will attempt to return the keg to its rightful owner and let them decide what should happen to the keg in question even if it is scrap value or to be written off and tipped! Or maybe legally resold.
I had considered building a 3 tier brewery from legaly purchased 11g and 22g kegs from my employer however the secondhand value of such a set up even with legal ownership is considerably effected so I am opting to source all containers myself.
Hope this is some help to people.