Is my new regulator dodgy?

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Frisps 2 Firkin Brewery
Supporting Member
Jul 28, 2008
Reaction score
South Ayrshire
Folks I just wanna check my logic before I phone up TMM

I bought this wee Co2 reg with a 16g adaptor from TMM this week ..

i just went to pressure test my Chubby fermenter.. so filled my chubby with water to reduce space for gas

Turned the regulator to the OFF position and screwed in the Co2 bulb...instantly gas pissed out of the back of it, at a small 8mm nut.. and Icouldnt get any more that 10psi into the chubby before teh bulb empyied .. regardless of how i adjusted the regulator .

Thinking it was operator error

I tried again set the reg at the oposite end to the 1st attempt hoping that THAT was the OFF position... screwed in another bulb and again, gas pissed out the back of it and I couldnt get things past 10psi in the chubby..

My thinking is with the reg set at OFF i should be able to screw the Co2 bulb in and it should hold pressure , when I connect to the Chubby i should be able to slowly turn up the regulator and gas should flow into the chubby and teh guage shows how much pressure has been achieved..

and gas should only blow out the back as a safety blowoff...

im thinking the reg is therefore defective..

any thoughts before I call TMM incase it is operator error
As @LeeH says if its the small soda bottle type canister they will leak as soon as the seal is broken and you have to screw them on tightly, quickly.

Seen your reply ....
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Is it coming out the brass coloured nut at the back? Ive not looked at it closely but believe it is a burst disk (single use relief valve). ie its designed to burst and bleed off pressure if it exceeds a set pressure, in order to prevent anything breaking and creating shrapnel if it is overpressured.
If this is burst you will need a new disk

Edit - you could also try tightening it, possibly its not fully in
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AHHHH partly operator error , partly lack of operator understanding.

Firstly I found a leak where the palstic JG fitting joined the SS BODY.. 1/16 of a turn sorted that
Secondly unlike a welding reg this is a brewing reg.. which means it vents Xs pressure as you turn it down , this I was confusing for it malfunctionng.

i have had it set at 15psi for 3 hours now and its never missed a beat

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