Increasing numbers going AG.

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How long have you been All Grain Brewing?

  • Not going to

  • About to start

  • 1st year

  • 2 to 5 years

  • 6 to 10 years

  • 10+ years

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Aleman said:
Now the numbers of all grain brewers is tiny compared to the number of kit brewers. in the UK there are not a lot of extract brewers, and unless (like Barley Bottom and the malt miller et al) you are going to concentrate specifically on dealing with All grain brewers the amount of inventory you must/need to stock is incredible . . . and it has a shelf life . . . hence the majority of LHBS keep token grain and hops in from Youngs and have not really moved out of the dark ages of the 1970's . . . In fact I despair of hearing the refrain "All Grain . . . Total waste of time that is . . . kits are just as good" . . whenever I visit a HBS in a new area.

Do not get me started on the 'business' practices of certain brewing wholesalers, :twisted: :twisted: :twisted: :twisted: :twisted:

Interesting you should say this, I popped into Easy Home Brew where I work at the weekends. I was talking to Nicky (owner) who says that, since the shop has started supporting all grainers, sales have improved significantly. I don't think anyone is about to retire on the strength of it yet but, as long as the govt. keeps piling on the alcohol duty, there will be a steady stream of kit brewers and a percentage of them will convert to the dark side.
I think that kit brewing is going to increase even more now that Tescos have started stocking it, that means more people will find there way here which in turn will lead some of them to all grain. I'd be interested to know how many new members this forum has got since Christmas?
Moley said:
Nunfa1 said:
I'd be interested to know how many new members this forum has got since Christmas?
668 :geek:

Blimey that's more than I would've thought. I suppose the big question is how many of those are beginners and how many are regular (deliberately didn't use the word experienced) brewers like myself and how many are beginners? I reckon the majority would be beginners.
Every ones got to start somewhere so no one should knock people using kits and not all kit brewers will go on to AG. I started with extract because kits were so bad in the 70s but my late Dad was still using them up to his passing, aged 84, in 2000. He used to love the old kits, I used to buy him better quality ones from my LHBS but he still preferred the ones he had been using for years, John Bull etc.
My Dad starting brewing just after me and has stayed on kits with no plans to go AG. He's quite happy and the beer he makes is great. One of the reasons I moved over was because the kits started to taste very similar according to their colour.
While I'm talking about kits this is the perfect time of year to get on 2 of my favourite kits, Woodfords great Eastern and Brupaks Linthwaite Light, brew both with lager yeast at around 15 degrees and you've got an ideal summer beer.
You missed one category off the list... I don't do AG, I'm not about to start but I'd like to one day. So I can't tick any of the boxes.

I'm one of those who joined since Christmas. I've been hoarding bottles of ale for years - mainly picked up in Belgium when returning from the in-laws in France. I wanted to learn how to bottle a pin I bought from a local brewer and realised I should be brewing myself instead. Now I need to clear a lot more space in my cellar!
I reckon 'About to start' covers that - after all, even once you do decide to make a start, it can take a while to get all the gear together :thumb: :lol:

I was in exactly the same boat as you are now, a year ago, and then something happened I hadn't expected, which gave me the opportunity to build my brewery long before I thought it was ever likely to happen, and I've just kegged my fifth AG brew :mrgreen:

So, 'about to' can cover a huge timescale, so as long as you intend to start at some point, I reckon you're safe to tick that box :drink: