Improving watery tasting beer....

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Feb 7, 2012
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Hi Guys,

Long time lurker finally asking a question.

I've just finished primary fermenting a Youngs harvester Yorkshire bitter. Its still in the FV. However having tried the sample I used to check OG there is very little taste to the beer. What taste there is, is ok it's not like the brew has been infected or anything.

So is there anything I can do to improve it? or shall I stick in a PB and leave it a few months?

I was thinking along the line of priming with a dark sugar or could I do some kind of secondary fermenting with more sugar and yeast?

Cheers Stuart
Chuck some hops in there and dry hop it, should help a bit.

TBH, if it's a decent tasting pint you're after move up to some decent ingredients (sorry, just my opinion!)....get some real hops in there and do an extract brew/kit.

I recently regressed and tried a cheapo kit, couldn't belive how bad it's gone down the drain. The kits are good as a starting point but once you've used some real hops there's no going back....not that much more effort too if you're doing extract. If this is step too far, try a 2-can kit. Only 1 can kits I'd ever do now are Coopers.
I used 1.5kg of granulated sugar.

Usually I use the 2 can kits like woodfordes etc but thought I'd try a 1 can kit after good reviews.
darrellm said:
Chuck some hops in there and dry hop it, should help a bit.

+1 :thumb:

At this stage there isn't a hell of a lot you can do to alter the beer apart from dry-hopping. For English bitters I would say go with East Kent Golding or Fuggle. Actually, I would say Fuggle for this one.

darrellm said:
get some real hops in there and do an extract brew/kit.

As you say, depending on the OP's experience this could be the next step. However, it maybe better to go with two can (or more "premium" one can or pouch kits) with dry hop, hop tea and steeped grain additions as a step up to learn how the ingredients alter the beer.

Then it's a much smaller jump to extract or even BIAB.
wharfedale said:
I used 1.5kg of granulated sugar.

Usually I use the 2 can kits like woodfordes etc but thought I'd try a 1 can kit after good reviews.
You will get better results by using DME or brew enhancer instead of sugar. I've found when brew short (20-21L) it gives a stronger flavour (and abv when using the same amount of sugar). A 1 can kit with normal granulated sugar is probably the most basic way of doing it, so I wouldn't expect too much from it. I'm getting off kits and moving over to BIAB in a week or two (waiting for gear), i'm led to believe it's will lead to a better quality beer :)
You could add some hop extract if you want to increase the bitterness.

Also as others have said if you get some fresh hops dry hopping is an option. Also you could do a hop tea which I think would give more flavor that just straight dry hopping.
I recently regressed and tried a cheapo kit, couldn't belive how bad it's gone down the drain. The kits are good as a starting point but once you've used some real hops there's no going back...

I bought my dad a "Bulldog Brews Rajas Reward" beer kit for fathers day and was quite surprised by the quality. It was 100% extract (no sugar) came in a big squeezy bag as opposed to cans. It also included some foil packed fresh hops for dry hopping. I drank a few of them last week and they were pretty good, a very English style IPA in my opinion.
The only time i ever added dextrose to beer was in a mexican cerveza kit i did when i first got homebrewing.

I suffered 10 bottles then 30 bottles went down the plughole.

Get some DME or even some pre-hopped DME for much better taste.
Hi Stuart
I have some Hop oil here you can give it a squirt and should give it some flavour .

Next time you want to do a brew give me a shout and come and use my all grain gear to fill your FV
you will need half a day spare and can get the malts from BarleyBottom for less than a brew kit and no postage costs

Thanks for all the suggestions guys.

Troutie thanks for the offer on using your all grain kit. I'll drop you an email.