Importance of mash temp control vs fermentation temp control

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No doubt about it.

Fermentation control is essential

Mash temp control is at most nice to have

HERMS is NOT required (Decent Insulation on the mash tun will prevent heat loss and infusion/decoction mashing takes care of step mashes)

!00% Fermentation Temp - 0% HERMS
Hello Loetz,
did you expect such a variety of answers ?

Prolix : Herms 20 Ferm 0
BarnsleyBrewer : Herms 15 Ferm 5
SpargePervert : Herms 1 Ferm 19
Sib : Herms 0 Ferm 20

It confirms to me that the question is rather fallacious. It is not possible to compare two things of different nature.

Herms vs temp. has little sense, why not Herms vs EBU ?

If you want to achieve the "dry crisp taste" of a pale ale, you have to control strictly the temp. of the mash (Herms or not). Does that mean Herms 10 Ferm 0 ?
If you want to brew a real pilsener, it is of most importance to control the temp. of fermentation, because in this style, nos estery favour is allowed. In this case Herms 0 Ferm 10 ?

But globally, it is not possible to give significant values. Sorrry
PVE said:
It confirms to me that the question is rather fallacious. It is not possible to compare two things of different nature.

Herms vs temp. has little sense
Not completely useless though, if the question was worded to say which is most important Mash Temp control or Fermentation Temp Control then the results stand, and the vast majority of people are saying that the variable that is most important to control is Fermentation temperature.

After all it matters not how closely and stable the mash step temps were controlled for your crisp dry pils, if you fermentation temp is 28C!!!

There is no point in using proper yeasts for the beer styles if you do not maintain the correct fermentation temperature for the style.
Darcey said:
How much does it cost to run a fermentation fridge?

If your fermenting @ 20c then my fridge hardly comes on at all!

Hmmm... Ill probably invest in a fridge sometime this summer. My place seems to sit at around 20C pretty consistantly right now, but I dont think that will last for too much longer.

Ill probably try my first couple of brews without the HERMS and ferm control and then Ill upgrade later. I guess this is one way to understand exactly what my equipment does.
I've got to go ferm on this one

Ferm: 15
Mash: 5

Fermentation temp control is by far one of the most overlooked aspects in homebrewing, but it's reason that world's best brewers consistently win time and time again. If your mash temp jumps around +/- 5 degrees during your mash, your profile might be different than you expected but you're beer will still be good. If your fermentation temp jumps around the same amount, you're going to see impacts to the overall quality of your beer.

I was tempted to give all 20 to Fermentation, but reserved 5 for mash since at the extreme if your uncontrolled mash temp holds at 35C for an hour then you might not even get enough fermentables to call it beer. And that would be sad :(

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