Gravity is a farce also. Load of baloney.
I mean, it's only a THEORY. Doesn't exist.
I certainly wouldn't let it drag you down.
Gravity is a farce also. Load of baloney.
I mean, it's only a THEORY. Doesn't exist.
I've left out lot's, but the depression had to be acheived to reach a part of consciousness bordering between life and death, higher cognitive function had to be surpressed, hence the depression was only way to do it. I suppose it's very similar to what mystics call the dark night of the soul, which I got some inspiration from to begin it. Most, if not all would have let it happen naturally I was impatient and thought I should do it now and push it to extreme (30 years ago) and will not have to do it when older, I'm glad I did it but would have also liked those years back lol.
One thing I have to say is you do appreciate life far more. People search for happiness, I believe that is a mistake, happiness is transitory and flitering in the wind, honestly name a perminately happy person. Happy people are unproductive at work, they my enjoy themselves through life but they will not contribute anything to the world (worthwhile other than light entertainment for the miserable masses).
Even if there are flaws to the theory (and I don't think you understand what scientific theory means) it's a lot more likely than the religious twaddle you're pushing.
Love this, cant explain your own theory but turn to insults and mockery to justify it.
Religious twaddle? Who said religion?
The truth is in the scriptures not religion. Religions use the bible to control and extort money from the gullible. The bible contains all the answers if you bothered to read it.
Each "day" of genesis is millions of years not 24 hours.
Try reading genesis, you might like it
The bible contains all the answers if you bothered to read it.
The way things are going today I'll end up getting slapped wrists if I respond to this nonsense, so I won't. Hopefully someone else will though.
There you go again "this nonsense"
Justify your words man, dont just criticize what you cant comprehend.
The bible was written by men inspired by God over thousands of years to give mankind a hope.
Revelation 11 v18 says God will bring to ruin those ruining the Earth.
How the hell did simple men some 2000 years ago know that the earth would be ruined in our generation along with all the other signs pointing to the same period?
World wars, political unrest, diseases, earthquakes and so on.
The Bible gives man a hope, truth or a lie its a whole lot better than pointless evolution.