I accidently added too little sugar.

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Active Member
Mar 19, 2009
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I bought a young's kit, harvest YORKSHIRE bitter. I just read that I followed the recipe for young's bitter which required 1kg of sugar. I put one KG in my YORKSHIRE young's bitter, and it should have been 1.5kg. What will this mean apart from the batch being weaker than I had hoped. I mean by means of the tins contents, and its taste? Oops.. easy mistake I guess.
if you've only just set it fermenting, you still have time to add the other half kilo.
what stage is it at then? have you kegged or bottled it?

If you have, I wouldn't worry. You'll have a weaker brew, yes, but it will be more full of flavour as sugar thins out the flavour.
Thanks.. we will see. Well its my first ive done, its been fermenting for about 2 days. I dont want to risk ruining it. It should be ok :thumb:
at two days you can still add the sugar... just disolve the sugar in water and gently simmer it to get rid of any potential nasties lurking, let it cool (or put the saucepan in the sink with cold water, then add it to your fermenter and stir it with a sanitised plastic or metal (NEVER use wooden) spoon
Wont I disturb the all ready formed sediment at the bottom..? I dont know bout this, Im sure it is not risky, as you seem pretty knowledgeable. But if it wont ruin my batch if I dont do it. I dont think I will...

Next time i will get it right :thumb:
That sediment will re-settle no problems :thumb:

Just be careful not to slosh it around too much - just to be on the safe side you don't want to introduce air into the mix at this stage - otherwise - crack on!