Youngs Harvest yorkshire bitter

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Yes a link to your Blog would be appreciated as we’ve got similar taste in Home-brew beers.

Tasting the first home brew - Tim Hayward - This is the link to my article on tasting the first homebrew (which is where I quoted from yesterday)
The preceeding two articles are on bottling day and brewday.
If you read any of them, you'll be doubling the read count as normally only my mum reads them :laugh8:
I've only written up my first two brews, but I'm currently preparing to do a Festival Landlord's Best Bitter write-up - there is not enough time in the day!
Re the blog. How did you find the Courage Directors bitter in the blog? That’s a brew i was considering...
P.s If you’re into Ale trailing, York city takes some beating, i’ve been a few times with the Mrs,
some great beers and the Olde worldie Pubs are amazing.
Re the blog. How did you find the Courage Directors bitter in the blog? That’s a brew i was considering...
P.s If you’re into Ale trailing, York city takes some beating, i’ve been a few times with the Mrs,
some great beers and the Olde worldie Pubs are amazing.

Directors was good from what I recall, though it was a while back and I don't recall the specifics. I ran out very quickly, suggesting it was decent. By comparison, the Nog that I brewed in April 2018 got finished last week. The mini kegs were more of a novelty than anything - I can't be bothered with them again unless I run out of bottles. I'd like to try the Courage Best Bitter kit some time too.

My wife and I went to York and the North York Moors last summer. So much good beer to be had in so many lovely pubs!