how much presure in the barrel

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Active Member
Feb 14, 2011
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Hi. I get mixed answers for this. Should I put no presure in the barrel to start with as I have added sugar and see how much it rises to. Then keep it toped up. But what is the ideal presure to keep it at.

With budget barrels, I just prime with sugar and leave it in the warm for it to secondary ferment.
I only top up with gas to help serve the beer, usually when the barrels half full
With a "bottom" tap pressure keg you only need enough gas to prevent air being drawn in throught the tap.
With a "top" tap I use 1.5 - 2psi.
This is enough to serve at a reasonable rate and not cause undue "fobbing".

Welcome to the Forum smghere. :thumb:
I'd try and put it somewhere cool for a couple of days Stephen, which should help the co2 to absorb into the liquid. Also with my kegs I bought cheap turkey basters, cut them down and extended the spout on the tap, this should help when pouring highly carbed beers