How much beer is too much?

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Changing the guidelines so frequently causes intelligent people to lose faith in the message, nor does it foster trust in the numbers when similar countries to ours don't agree on what is a safe level. Rewind to 2016 when the guideline was 14 units/week and this was the picture [1].


Where did they get 14 units/week from at that time? I don't know, but looking at the lifetime cancer risk posed by different levels of alcohol consumption it does seem that 14 units/week gets you very close to the same as not drinking at all.


Why change the message now? I don't get it. At least there was statistical evidence to support 14 units/week.

[1] Source
They are out to kill us all... population control by stealth. When we have all become teetotal, non-smoking,marathon-running vegetarians, the death rate from boredom and suicide will skyrocket. Job done.
So where do they get their 'let's change the goalposts every five minutes' figures from?

This is the problem really. I've read that 5 a day (fruit and veg of course :doh:) isn't enough and it should be 10 a day.. when I was googling a link for my reply here I also came across 7 a day and 3 a day. Anyways the articles I read were about about 10 a day is required for a healthy diet and that 5 was not enough but people wouldn't go for that so they aimed for an achievable figure rather than one rooted in science.
Then they wonder why the non-sheeple don't listen or trust them :?:

As for science it's our best fitting theory for our understanding of a particular situation given our current level of knowledge. The issue I have with science is that science is often view as being black or white 100% guaranteed when it's not. All of this can become quite confusing. This man sums up alcohol very well, shame he didn't tell us how much beer is too much?

My mate sups like a fish, smokes like a chimney and won't eat anything that didn't have a face when it was alive. His idea of excercise is getting off the settee. He's pushing 50 and is as strong as a bull, rising to the occasion at work and running rings around gym-bothering youngsters half his age. He worries about nothing, and daft government advice goes straight over his head. Bit like me really but more so. Realistically we've got maybe 20 years of useful life left so why change now? Why... why?? If I had wasted my years thus far, worrying about all the crap I am 'supposed' to worry about, I'd not be best pleased.
It's about trying to extend your life. One anecdote doesn't trump swathes of data proving otherwise I'm afraid Gunge. Whilst it would be great for us to all be able to live on beer and fish and chips and live healthy lives until 90, you've got next to no chance of it happening.

We are all living longer, but I can assure you we are not living well longer.
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It's about trying to extend your yourself life. One anecdote doesn't trump swathes of data proving otherwise I'm afraid Gunge. Whilst it would be great for us to all be able to live on beer and fish and chips and live healthy lives until 90, you've got next to no chance of it happening.

We are all living longer, but I can assure you we are not living well longer.

Why on earth would I want to gain a few more 'adult nappy years' at the expense of a lifetime of misery?
Did you read my post? The point I was trying to make was that the aim is to extend your healthy life. The quickest way to ensure "the nappy years" is by living unhealthy?

If you think that by living unhealthily that you'll live happily and healthily until 70 and then drop dead then I think you'll be sorely mistaken. Whilst it may happy, what is far more likely is premature heart disease and stroke (in your 50s). Likely to live on past 70 due to modern medical treatment but almost certainly not well.
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If you think that by living unhealthily that you'll live happily and healthily until 70 and then drop dead then I think you'll be sorely mistaken.

I've only got 17 years to go until that milestone, and I'll happily wager that I'm way fitter now than most 25 yr olds. If it all came down around my ears 'now', I couldn't grumble. At least it's not been wasted chasing some dream of immortality. Govt fails to realise that some of us actually like our lifestyle choices. Me, I would not be seen dead in a gym or suchlike. I have this mental image of some Govt. bod interrupting a booze-fuelled party, or a guy drowning his sorrows for whatever reason, and the bod asking if they are keeping a tally of their consumption lest they increase their chance of some malady by a percentage dreamed up by a crazed and deluded statistician working with mythical numbers.
By what measure are you fitter? Do you honestly believe that people can eat and drink whatever they want, do no exercise and not face the consequences of poor health later in life? If so, you're utterly bonkers.

I don't pay much attention to govt. guidelines, and I agree that I'd rather live my life enjoying things even if they aren't healthy, but I'm happy to do so relatively moderately if it greatly improves my chances of living well in my old age, which it does.
They are out to kill us all... population control by stealth. When we have all become teetotal, non-smoking,marathon-running vegetarians, the death rate from boredom and suicide will skyrocket. Job done.

In November my consultant cardiologist told me no alcohol,as the condition i am being treated for AF can increase the risk of a stroke.Ok i will do as i am told for once,even though i am not a big drinker,dont have any heart disease etc.Went to my doctor for my regular heart rate and blood pressure checks before my next tests at the hospital,and he said i am ok to have 2 drinks?? so i did,drink in moderation,and it wont do you any harm.There is a gentleman that goes in my local,hes been drinking Burton ales every night for 60 years and hes in his 80s now, and never at the doctors.
We need a machine where you feed in the units of alcohol, calories of food, microgrammes of nicotine, amount of stress from the missus, grief from the boss, particulates of diesel inhaled etc etc multiplied or divided by your hereditary risk factor from genetic mutations and whether you ride a motorbike, and the billions of other real or imagined risks to survival. Then the machine can give us the precise date of our demise, and if we wish to extend it we could avoid the risks we wanted. But please not beer and food and bacca. Can't do without those but there's millions that I can.