How many gallons of homebrewed beer in 2013?

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5 gallons woodfordes wherry. It should be 10 gallons but i got 50% off at wilkos :lol: :lol: :lol:

total updated 2442 gallons
My total contribution since January:

5 gallons choc stout
5 gallons pale ale
5 gallons coffee stout
5 gallons strong English bitter
5 gallons summer ale

New total:
9 gallons of Coopers Australian Lager, done in two batches and were my first ever home brews.

Total 2560
5 gallons of Coniston Bluebird

5 gallons of Cumberland Extra Ale

Forum total

hi, since my k & b xmas ale i've brewed 5.5 galls of a somerset version of r. county (clone) 5.5 galls of black sheep riggy (clone),5.5 galls of e.pope's royal oak(clone) and 5.5 galls of belhaven 80/- (clone),making i
believe.......2592 gallons!!!!!(McMullen country best next,happy brewing!!!