How many gallons of homebrewed beer in 2013?

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5 gallons of woodfordes wherry
5 gallons of AOB export bitter
5 gallons if brew maker Victorian bitter
5 gallons of woodfordes wherry
5 gallons of Geordie Scottish export
5 gallons of Geordie Yorkshire bitter

Wow... Didn't realise it was up to that much already!
5 gallons of Coopers Australian Pale Ale, with Muntons beer enhancer, and hopped with Amarillo Hops

Forum total =1964
New to this thread so a few to add up.

5 gallons of Burton Porter
5 gallons of Festival Golden Stag
5 Gallons of Woodford's Wherry
5 Gallons of Festival Razorback IPA

new total = 2007
5 gallons coopers original stout

5 gallons wilko light golden lager.

Total. 2017 gallons.
5 gallons of farm house saison
5 gallons of smoked saison
5 gallons various malt saison

total 2217 gallons

*Edit The maths has gone wrong here. Should be 2137 Grays alchemy
10 gallons of a Fuggles Hop Trial brew testing new strains of disease resistant hops.

10 gallons Independence Pale Ale
10 gallons Sarcazum Wit Bier
12 gallons Miners Mild
10 gallons Very Wherry
10 gallons Chocywocky Stout
