How long does it take for an AG brewday ?

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Baz Chaz

Aug 15, 2010
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How long does it take for an AG brewday, was a question I saw on the forum recently, but can't find the thread :wha:

So todays brewday for me was spent clockwatching :shock:

I checked all the timings etc and noted them all down :ugeek: so any newcomer wants to know the timings here they are ..........

I usually strike my mash at about 10.30 and I am usually tided up by 4.30pm. Long day, sparging for a 60l brew length can take me 1 1/2 hours sometimes longer last time with a stuck sparge. Cooling the wort usually takes 1 hr, perhaps I need to add another coil to my chiller :lol: :lol:

I try to get a bit of work done in between as well which sometimes gets in the way or is it the other way around :oops: :oops: .


Do water the day before so at strike temp before I start saves an hour.

Weigh grain mash in 30min
Mash 90 min
Sparge and temp raise 30 min
Boil 90 min
Chill straight to fermenter 30 min
Clean up 30 min (most stuff done along the way)

So 6 hours if all on same day 5 hours for fast brew

It has taken up to 8 hours if everything goes wrong, stuck mash, overflow, taps open, etc
I'm fairly slow, this was from my last, my 3rd but others were the same; it's a nice easy day :D

Prep 1.00 hrs
Mash 1.75 hrs
Sparge 1.25 hrs
Boil 2.25 hrs (only have the 1 HLT)
Cool, post boil hops & run off to FV 0.75 hrs
Clean up 0.50 hrs

Total 7.50 hrs
A bit of planning can save time, I prepare water and weigh grains the night before, heat the mash water while eating breakfast and generally get thinks done while things like the mash, boil etc. are going on. Clean as you go, nothing worse than a ton of cleaning at the end of the day. 6 hours is probably normal occasionally a bit less sometimes a bit more, things like the temperature of the tap water will make a difference when chilling, a lot quicker in the winter. End of the day its not a race so the only clock watching I do is to time the mash and boil.
Baz Chaz said:
How long does it take for an AG brewday, was a question I saw on the forum recently.....

Yeah most of us were saying on the original thread (which I couldn't find :oops: ) we took round about the 6 hours for an AG brew, cock ups etc permitting :lol:

I just thought I'd take it one step further and put all the timings etc on an actual brewday 'with the clock on' so anyone looking to go AG could 'see' where the time goes :arrow:

5-6 hrs for me, using a timer switch to heat water drawn and treated the day before, grains weighed day before too.
There will always be differences some people mash for 1 hour some for 1 1/2 hours, same with the boil.
Depends...usually on my organisational skills / beer intake on the Friday evening :lol:
I like to try and get my water tested for the CRS addition and my recipe sorted and grains weighed on Friday evening.
Up early to put the HLT on, I can set this on a timer as it has temp control through a pid...but rarely do for some reason.
Could probably knock an hour off total time if did, but it gives me chance to eat and drink coffee.

Mash on....walk the dogs.
Sparge and boil........clean as I go.
As little as 5 much as 8.
