I think the only law is to not pick anything below waist height.......
just picked my "Prima Donna' and can say that they have absolutely no smell whatsoever...weid
Stuff the law - fill yer boots! I know I would, and raid the elderberries too, if there was any to be had.
Yeah I checked it, all looked and smelt great. The tips of the cones were starting to turn brown when on the plant, so I thought it was time to harvest.
This is a small central London park where there are a lot of commuters walking through who'd love to tell someone off.
I remembered I have a friend who works for Camden council so I've asked her if she knows what the law is. The park is in the borough of Camden.
Fear the fear and do it anyway.There's a nearby park with some hops growing, they're ripe and smell amazing. Does anyone know what the laws are on picking hops from parks?
Mine arn't quite ready yet but again no smell at all at the moment, somewhere I read on this forum ( I think) that someone else experienced the same but the smell only became apparent once they were dried. Anyone know if this is at all normal with prima Donna?
I'm hoping mine will develop a hoppy smell before they get picked.
A thought.... if hops are ready but you don't have time to harvest, would there be any harm / benefit in cutting the stems a little above ground level and leaving the hops to dry where they are?
I don't know anything about drying hops but I found this on a websiteTo folks who dry their hops in a oven, even on low temp. I think its still too hot. This time of year you should be air drying at no more than 20oC
Ive always dried my hops in a airing cupboard @20oC with very good results
Hi guys facing a problem here was just out checking my hops there the luplins are starting to develop on the cones that I have developed so far. I'm away on holidays next Friday for nearly three weeks do you think my hops will be ruined by then they are both first year plants good load of developed cones on them and some not developed yet any opinions advise much appreciated