Homebrew or shop bought

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cask is best

Oct 5, 2010
Reaction score
East Yorkshire
Hi all, Had my Birthday a couple of weeks back and got bought several bottles of real ale as well as the run of the mill more familiar bottles like Spitfire theakston xb Timothy Taylors i had some more unusual ones from Dartmoor brewery and Devon brewery. Jail ale reel ale and another that escapes me. Anyway back to my reason for the post. I put them in the garage next to my homebrew and everytime i think I'll have a bottle or two i go straight for my homebrew by passing the what we might call real beer. Does anyone else do this who have shop bought beer in the house. Don't get me wrong they are very nice bottled beers but i always tend to go for the ones i have made, which can't be a bad thing i suppose.
I have a shelf of canned bitter which people bring me in return for fixing computers etc. The most common is John Smiths. :eek:

I keep it to offer guests who would rather have a "real beer" instead of one of mine. I usually allow them one can before setting up a taste test.

So far only one person has had a second can rather than a pint of my beer but I will stick to this system as it means I won't end up with a large supply of cans nobody wants to drink! :whistle:
I would drink mine all the time but keep running out. :doh: So have to buy commercial ale. Mine is the 'Real' Ale. :grin:
I go for mine but it is due to the number I have. I have some really nice beers that I got as part of a beer club so try and save them for a special occasion. Maybe this will change when I go AG (and have more time to brew).
I like my kit homebrew but given the choice a bottle of Humpty Dumpty 'Broadland or wolf brewery 'granny wouldn't like it' any day!
I tried some beer club samples from AG brewers, if I could do it like they do I would never buy another bottle again.
I recently had a BBQ and my mate asked me what was my tipple, I said I was partial to an ale, so he bought me a selection of about 6 or 8 bottles, regular ones like Banana Bread beer, Honeydew. I had a couple to be polite and as I was running out of my own ale, he had K'burg, one of the girls had a half bottle of vodka and a couple of cans of red bull. I got rid of the red bull asap as I really cannot abide that stuff. The K'burg I'll keep for a Xmas party, along with the vodka. The ales, well, I still have a couple of bottles left, but at the moment I have two forms of Wherry, St Peter's Cream Stout, even Wilkos Mexican Cerveza, and a Festival elderflower brew on the go, and it really is no contest. What is a contest is which one of mine I go for, I try for stock rotation, but every now and then I can't help supping the odd newer one to see how its developed
It depends.

There are some rather nice bottled ales, a Youngs Chocolate stout for one. I've never managed a really good stout even brewing AG, so if the bottle has summat I fancy and I've none of my own in I'll pop a shop bought cap, if I fancy a brew I've done and am good at then I'll have my own, easy, see? :)