Home Brew Competition - November 16

The Homebrew Forum

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Right lads/ladies I have mucked up. I missed this key rule:

-Participants can enter multiple beers per competition, however only one may compete for a winning position. This will be the beer with the highest score.

So @doctormick loses his 3rd place and @hoddy moves into 3rd. Those are the rules!!!

Wow that was an unexpected one. I think it's a third. But one by the rules [emoji6] as clearly @doctormicks beers were very good.

And to be honest, as per the feedback I received, this was the first go at a 23l recipe, after scaling it up from the refined 10l recipe, so it was always going to be risk throwing it straight into a comp.

And I think (as the feedback pointed out) it needs some more tweaks.

But as there was only a few points in 1st to 3rd I think that only shows the quality of some of the beers produced by amateur home brewers in what can onto be described as the best home brew forum out there.

Well done all who entered. We are all winners [emoji1303]

Now onto the next competition [emoji6]

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Congratulations to DoctorMick, JFB and Hoddy, well done :thumb: I entered the competition primarily to get feedback on my beers. I am new to brewing and one of my entries was only my 4th brew. My friends and family just say that my beers are great, which doesn't really help me to get better at brewing. The feedback that Leon gave on my two entries was very good and his advice has pointed me in the right direction to try and improve my finished beers. The feedback was truthful (my beers weren't that great), but also constructive. I am now able to change parts of my brewing processes to hopefully improve certain aspects of my beers. I will keep on entering these competitions as the feedback is very helpful. If anyone thinks they are not good enough to enter, they are wrong. The only way to improve is to be informed. What a great competition this is :thumb:Thanks to everyone involved in setting it up and running it.

Congratulations @DoctorMick @JFB and @Hoddy And big thanks to @Leon103 for the great feedback. Much appreciated. :thumb: