I've just tried opening a bottle of a blackberry wheat beer that I recently brewed.
It was fermented for 14 days down to 1.002 from an original gravity of 1.044, each 500ml bottle was carbed for 14 days at 20°C with a teaspoon of sugar.
I opened one today and it exploded
Once I got it calmed down and poured, it tasted excellent but I don't want to open anymore for fear I get another bottle bomb.
Is there anything I can do so that they settle a bit such as leaving for an extended time? Answers welcome folks
It was fermented for 14 days down to 1.002 from an original gravity of 1.044, each 500ml bottle was carbed for 14 days at 20°C with a teaspoon of sugar.
I opened one today and it exploded

Is there anything I can do so that they settle a bit such as leaving for an extended time? Answers welcome folks