Have I left brews too long?

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Active Member
Aug 19, 2015
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Hi all,

I have left a bitter and a white wine in their respective FVs for far too long (not had time to bottle at weekends) and they've now been in there coming up to 2 months...

My question is: should it just be chucked away or is any of it worth saving?
Hi all,

I have left a bitter and a white wine in their respective FVs for far too long (not had time to bottle at weekends) and they've now been in there coming up to 2 months...

My question is: should it just be chucked away or is any of it worth saving?
If the FV is sealed then that's a good start because there should be no oxidation. The yeast bed may have started to impart a slightly off taste but if the volume of the brew is say 20 litres I doubt that it will be noticed. I've had finished brews sat for a month with no ill effects so I would just try bottle it soon or just rack it to get it off the yeast bed until you get more time to bottle.
I'm sure that others here will have better advice than me though.
Yeah don't chuck the beer. It'll probably turn out fine, even if it needs longer conditioning than usual. Which it might or might not.
I would give it a quick taste to make sure it hasn't gone bad and then get it off the sediment at least even if you don't have time to do anything else.
Cheers guys - I'm a long time lurker and there always seems someone who has experience a similar issue!
Years ago, me and my mate made 7 gallon of strawberry wine.
2 gallon in demijohns and 5 gallon in a large FV.
The demijohns got racked off and bottled, but as we had nothing large enough to rack off 5 gallons, it stayed there.
This sat on a shelf in my back porch for months before we drank it all.
We would lift the lid, scoop a jug full out and just put the lid back on.

I honestly can't say i noticed any off flavours, until we got down to the bottom.
Can I also add, that It doesn't take as long as you imagine it would, for two blokes to drink 5 gallon of wine :smile:
Great :D thanks
Years ago, me and my mate made 7 gallon of strawberry wine.
2 gallon in demijohns and 5 gallon in a large FV.
The demijohns got racked off and bottled, but as we had nothing large enough to rack off 5 gallons, it stayed there.
This sat on a shelf in my back porch for months before we drank it all.
We would lift the lid, scoop a jug full out and just put the lid back on.

I honestly can't say i noticed any off flavours, until we got down to the bottom.
Can I also add, that It doesn't take as long as you imagine it would, for two blokes to drink 5 gallon of wine [emoji2]

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