Finally got around to this! There's about half an hour of the boil left to go and the kitchen looks like a sticky disaster but it went without a hitch. Add one more to the many thanks to clibit for starting this thread, it was the inspiration to having a go at AG.
Waiting for a stockpot was the main delay and that finally arrived this morning so the first step was checking how much would boil off during the boil and whether my cooker was capable of holding a boil! All went well, 15L stock pot, 10L for test, 8L after 1 hour.
Also tested my thermometer at the same time and a good thing I did, reading 104 deg in a freshly boiled kettle and reading 69 deg at a reading of 66 using the inkbird probe.
Cooling those 8L from boiling to under 30 deg took around 45 minutes in the sink, all set to go.
Keeping things very basic with 2kg pale malt, 5g of magnum hops at 60min and 5g of magnum at 5. Aiming for 8L to fit comfortably in 2 demijohns, allowing 1L for trub, 2L for boil off, wasn't sure how much to sparge so went with 8L and sparge up to 11L.
Made one noob mistake after the mast and plonked the hydrometer straight in the mash at 60 deg, thankfully no damage done but was a bit disappointed at the reading of 1.03... brewtarget worked it out at 1.039 at 70% efficiency but then I did the temp correction and got 1.043. After filling a sample jar and allowing it to cool it came in at 1.042 so 76.45% efficiency, very pleased with that :)
The last hops have just gone in and it smells the business, will update as it progresses.
EDIT: Oops, nearly forgot the sacrifice to the gods of brewing! A pint of the LHBS own brand golden ale kit opened up and going down well, only a week and a half in the bottle but pretty good all the same and it was a shock to realise I can taste the sweet malty stuff that just came off the stove in it, a bit of what it was before it was boiled away to nothing and poured into a plastic bag.
Anyway, all done bar the cleanup, one demijohn pitched with US-05 and the other with Nottingham. Looks kinda sludgy and grey at the mo but I'm betting it'll turn out the best brew I ever tasted