First attempt at an AG brew. Simple recipe as follows.
1kg Maris Otter pale malt
100g Crystal malt
5g Mosaic hop pellets added at boil start
1/4 Britewort tablet added at 50 mins into boil
10g Mosaic hop pellets added at 55mins into boil
4g PaleAle Yeast from Crossmyloof
Put recipe into brewers friend which says,
SG 1052, FG 1013 giving an ABV of 5.1 percent. Hope I get somewhere near.
Start time 08.05
Started quite well, no dramas getting mash start temp to 68ð Ended an hour later at 62ð so maybe a bit low. Don't know how much difference 1ð will make.
Strained off to second pan which ended up being 3 pans. Not ideal. Didn't expect the 1.1kg of malt to bulk up that much. Will be ready for that next time.
Took a pic after straining the mash, think I created some kind of swamp monster!

Did the sparge at 80ð Added the mash liquid and endedd up with 5.75ltrs. Pretty close to Clibit's suggeted 6ltrs before boil, so happy with that.
Waiting to get to boiling point on ceramic hob.

Reached boiling point at 10.30, 2 hours 25 minutes in (time flew).
Had a good rolling boil considering the pan was twice the size of the hob ring.

Added Mosaic and Britewort at the relevant times. Cooled in sink with frozen water bottles surrounding the pan. Cooled quicker than expected at about 35 mins.
Straining wort into FV took ages. Had to use a sieve with a sanitised cloth spread over. This took forever to filter through. Need to get something made for the job next time.
Don't know if I filtered too much out, only ended up with 3.5 ltrs in FV and a lot of crud in the cloth. Topped up to 5ltrs, stirred and did SG check.
Gutted, only 1040 SG. Not sure what went wrong. Everything seemed to go pretty much to plan, apart from using three pans to strain the mash. Ah, all of the mash liquid didn't go through all of the grain. The sieve was nowhere near big enough to hold all of the grain at once.
Nothing to be done now, pitched yeast at 23ð and sealed FV. At least it smells nice (to me anyway).
Going to call it moaning missus pale as she never stopped complaining about the smell.
Finished and washed up by 1.00pm.
Here's to next time and hopefully a closer SG to that expected.
1kg Maris Otter pale malt
100g Crystal malt
5g Mosaic hop pellets added at boil start
1/4 Britewort tablet added at 50 mins into boil
10g Mosaic hop pellets added at 55mins into boil
4g PaleAle Yeast from Crossmyloof
Put recipe into brewers friend which says,
SG 1052, FG 1013 giving an ABV of 5.1 percent. Hope I get somewhere near.
Start time 08.05
Started quite well, no dramas getting mash start temp to 68ð Ended an hour later at 62ð so maybe a bit low. Don't know how much difference 1ð will make.
Strained off to second pan which ended up being 3 pans. Not ideal. Didn't expect the 1.1kg of malt to bulk up that much. Will be ready for that next time.
Took a pic after straining the mash, think I created some kind of swamp monster!

Did the sparge at 80ð Added the mash liquid and endedd up with 5.75ltrs. Pretty close to Clibit's suggeted 6ltrs before boil, so happy with that.
Waiting to get to boiling point on ceramic hob.

Reached boiling point at 10.30, 2 hours 25 minutes in (time flew).
Had a good rolling boil considering the pan was twice the size of the hob ring.

Added Mosaic and Britewort at the relevant times. Cooled in sink with frozen water bottles surrounding the pan. Cooled quicker than expected at about 35 mins.
Straining wort into FV took ages. Had to use a sieve with a sanitised cloth spread over. This took forever to filter through. Need to get something made for the job next time.
Don't know if I filtered too much out, only ended up with 3.5 ltrs in FV and a lot of crud in the cloth. Topped up to 5ltrs, stirred and did SG check.
Gutted, only 1040 SG. Not sure what went wrong. Everything seemed to go pretty much to plan, apart from using three pans to strain the mash. Ah, all of the mash liquid didn't go through all of the grain. The sieve was nowhere near big enough to hold all of the grain at once.
Nothing to be done now, pitched yeast at 23ð and sealed FV. At least it smells nice (to me anyway).
Going to call it moaning missus pale as she never stopped complaining about the smell.
Finished and washed up by 1.00pm.
Here's to next time and hopefully a closer SG to that expected.