Try this Clibit gave me this one and it is a great beer
Originally Posted by clibit View Post
A lovely stout:
Batch Size (L): 10.0
Original Gravity (OG): 1.052
Final Gravity (FG): 1.010
Alcohol by Volume (ABV): 5.52 %
Bitterness (IBU): 38.4
Boil Time (Minutes): 60
1.700 kg Maris Otter Malt (75.06%)
0.200 kg Roasted Barley (8.83%)
0.190 kg Cane Sugar (8.39%)
0.100 kg Crystal 60 (4.42%)
0.075 kg Chocolate (3.31%)
18.0 g Northdown Leaf (8.1% Alpha) @ 60 Minutes (Boil) (1.8 g/L)
3g Irish Moss @ 15 Minutes (Boil)
Mash at 66°C for 60 Minutes.
Ferment with Safale US-05
Had a nice friendly chat with the very knowledgeable guy at
House of Home Brew. I bought the above with a few tweaks and one faux pas (although I think I'll be OK). Regards his website, it's never up to date so anyone from NI, don't be put off taking a trip to the shop as he has a large selection of everything.
The reason my beer was so cloudy last time was because I kept the trudge when I transferred to a demijohn! I didn't realise I had to leave most of that behind. He said most all grain brews have some cloudiness so not to worry. The proof is in the tasting. I'm gonna bottle that tomorrow.
He also said he had a brew spoil because he left it 5 hours Budgie so I'd be wary of doing it overnight.
Gonna brew this tomorrow or Sunday.
3.400 kg Irish Stout Malt (75.06%)
0.400 kg Roasted Barley (8.83%)
0.380 kg Cane Sugar (8.39%)
0.200 kg Crystal 70 (4.42%)
0.150 kg Chocolate (3.31%)
18.0 g Northdown Leaf (8.1% Alpha) @ 60 Minutes (Boil) (1.8 g/L)
3g Irish Moss @ 15 Minutes (Boil)
My faux pas: The guy in the shop let me mill my own grains (makes sense as it's time consuming and he's other customers to attend to). I milled my Irish malt into 2 bags, I though to save space I'd put my chocolate malt on top as it was all going into the same bag - I forgot I only needed 150g of the stuff

Just got home and removed the top 350 grams so hopefully not much of it was mixed so no real damage done.
I've now a surplus of some stuff so to stop it going to waste I'll have to start planning my next brew :)