Has temperature data been changed?

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If this mild weather is proof of GW it'll do for me as I don't work in a heated office.

Yes I am joking wink...

Just as well... this time next week we'll be in the freezer, and we're not even half way thru' Nov'. Watch this space. Worry not, it will be all be within the projections of climate change. To anyone thinking of peddling out the tired old line "well ya some places will be colder and some hotter" etc, don't bother. Heard it all before and it's utter, cover-all-bases crapola.
You can either vaccinate cows to reduce the farting, collect the farts or change their feed so they fart less. aunsure....

It's not coordinated tho so you could have a farmer wanting a cow that farts a lot to harvest methane and he buys one that doesn't...
The cows, other ruminants and us, aren't to blame for anything re: climate, cos absolutely nothing is wrong. Cows on the face of the Earth, like a few virus colonies on the surface of a beachball, responsible for altering a planetary climate.... lolololol.
like a few virus colonies on the surface of a beachball,
An interesting analogy. I'm rather baffled as to why any virus would thrive on the surface of a beach ball - and if this was indeed plausible, why and how the virus might form colonies. Could you explain??
Sorry Hoppy... I should have said bacteria - of all people you would know that viruses don't form colonies. I guess I unthinkingly said virus cos most folk know they are much smaller than bacteria, which would of course have no problem colonising the surface of all but the most sterile beach ball. Hair-splitting aside, I'm glad you liked the analogy. By the way, have you seen the latest figures for Arctic ice extent? Sumdy must have nicked the CO2 for a while.
I thought it was slightly amusing that around 6,000 people in the UK protest we don't do enough about climate change while in France over 200,000 are protesting petrol to expensive. I suppose people care alot more about there money that other issues.

Good for them! They know what actually matters, not this fictitious crapola about 'saving the soddin' polar bears'.
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Look at the rate of recovery. 6 more years worth of CO2 can't bring it down to 2012's level. This stuff's only been observed by satellite for 40ish years anyway... a mere blip in time which means precisely nil in regard to 'normal' levels- as the warmists will be advising everyone after the same timescale when a full recovery has taken place. And the protagonists of this crapola never mention Antarctica because what's going down there is complete taboo. Guys... take a look for yourself, and it ain't got an invisible CO2 shield y'know.

Look at the rate of recovery. 6 more years worth of CO2 can't bring it down to 2012's level. This stuff's only been observed by satellite for 40ish years anyway... a mere blip in time which means precisely nil in regard to 'normal' levels- as the warmists will be advising everyone after the same timescale when a full recovery has taken place. And the protagonists of this crapola never mention Antarctica because what's going down there is complete taboo. Guys... take a look for yourself, and it ain't got an invisible CO2 shield y'know.

Sure, I don't deny that the October 2018 level is a bit higher than the October 2012 level, but it's still waaaaay below the interdecile range on the plot you show. This is exactly the sort of cherry-picking nonsense that climate change denial is built on. For instance, from the very same website you show, using the very same data, lets have a look at October ice coverage:

... and your takehome message from this data is that global warming isn't true because 2018 is higher than 2012!!!
I still would love to know why they are conspiring to falsify data???
I still would love to know why they are conspiring to falsify data???
Howay man, this has already been totally sorted out on this thread.
We have unequivocal statements that it's "because they're told to".
And, if you doubt that, the reason behind it is made clear: "so that they can justify more tax"
Seems pretty obvious to me........ Well, unless you actually start to think about it.
Sorry Hoppy... I should have said bacteria - of all people you would know that viruses don't form colonies. I guess I unthinkingly said virus cos most folk know they are much smaller than bacteria
Yep, you are of course correct and I was taking the p**s. wink...
I'm still astonished, though, that you state things that I would regard as "opinions" as though they were self-evident "facts"........
To be honest, this whole argument about climate change puzzles me greatly. It seems to me that there are two prime factors at work. Firstly, is the climate actually changing, medium to long term. From what I can see, then there can be little doubt that it is. I'm a biologist, and no climate scientist, but I am persuaded that there is a significant and (in recent geological terms) unprecendented change in our climate occurring.
Secondly, what is causing it? Now, I see that this is more problematic. It's not an easy idea to swallow that human activity might be to blame (whether CO2, agricultural emissions e.g. cows farting or whatever).

The huge thing that I cannot understand is the "denial" aspect. Why be so vehement that it is all fabricated??
Why not carry out a thought experiment. OK, let us suppose that it is either true (that the planet is warming to dangerous levels, and human activity is a major factor), or that it is false, but there is a unification of governments (outwith the UN, obviously) who are controlling most of the world's scientists to fabricate a scenario where they can scare us into paying a bit more tax. So, what do we do? Do we say "bollox, I don't want to pay another penny", or do we say, "hang on, I'm not convinced about this. But...... If the scientists are right, then we are heading for a truly horrible situation for our children and grandchildren. If they are not right, then all it is going to cost me is a few hundred quid - which I can probably afford, and all will be well anyway"

In all seriousness, it isn't going to be tax that is the problem if climate change is happening. Most governments are just paying lip-service to it anyway, and carrying on regardless. But stopping the burning of fossil fuels will, at least in the short term, increase manufacturing and distribution costs. So, I reckon it's the cost of retail goods that might hit you, not tax. But what's alternative? Keep up the bluster that it's all crap?

To put it another way, think about monetary benefit versus risk.
I live in a cul-de-sac, in a hamlet of 14 houses. Very, very few vehicles come in and out each day. If someone said to me "put on this blindfold and headphones and run as fast as you can across the road. I'll give you £10,000 if you get to the other side" then I wouldn't hesitate. The odds would be vastly in my favour, and the amount of money would very handy although not life-changing. But, if someone offered precisely the same terms, except that I had to run blind across 6 lanes of a busy motorway, then again I would not hesitate - but this time to say "no way". The £10,000 wouldn't be life-changing, but the risk (of very much life-changing death or critical injury) would be far too high to chance it.
So, why risk a possibly planet-changing outcome for a limited financial benefit. I can see why global corporations might (their financial benefit might be far more than limited!!), but ordinary people? Especially if you have children & grandchildren - why would you try to get a small financial advantage for yourself, but potentially risk their entire future?

To quote Vonnegut, so it goes!
Just as well... this time next week we'll be in the freezer, and we're not even half way thru' Nov'. Watch this space.

Like I said... bit parky out there and with snow reported up and down the country. OK it's not Ice Age II but still not bad for 2/3 way thru' Nov. Listen to Gunge the great weather guru! Warmists: at what point in proceedings will the ten million climate scientists proclaim that the battle has been won, and they then all jack it in and seek productive work? Never? Thought as much.
Like I said... bit parky out there and with snow reported up and down the country. OK it's not Ice Age II but still not bad for 2/3 way thru' Nov. Listen to Gunge the great weather guru! Warmists: at what point in proceedings will the ten million climate scientists proclaim that the battle has been won, and they then all jack it in and seek productive work? Never? Thought as much.

I pulled these chillies from the garden this week. Hardly nippy, not that it matters because weather isn't climate and Cambridge isn't the globe.
when science and politics mix the outcome is often bad. you also have to be aware of your frame of reference. i.e. living in a western capitalistic society.
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