Has temperature data been changed?

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Heres the 2009 opinion of a war/weapon historian which is obviously the best source

Basically climate change is just like the Nazis
Heres the 2009 opinion of a war/weapon historian which is obviously the best source

Basically climate change is just like the Nazis

So, I can see two points in the video. The second is that politicians come up with stupid and incoherent policies that try to make them look good and don't solve the problem. There is no doubt that that is true. The first point he made is that funding bodies and peers that review papers don't work the basis of the science, but on their own biased opinions. That is a complete misunderstanding of how science works, and completely skips around the need to engage with the science itself. Sure, the consensus is that global warming is happening, and research into climate change is being funded. Climate denalists are free to moan all they want. Flat earthers also complain that reviewers and funders are biased towards spherists. Anti-vaxxers moan about the consensus regarding the safety and efficacy of vaccination. Creationists claim that they are marginalised, not because they're full of crap (they are), but because of the consensus around the fact of evolution. Similar things can be said about AIDs denialists, new age woo-woo peddlers like Deepak Chopra, crystal healers, fad diet advocates, numerologist alien-hunters and so on. It isn't a particularly good line of reasoning, and tends to be the fallback position of those who don't have decent evidence to bring to the table and have lost the scientific argument.
Love the video especially the bit about needing a windfarm the size of Wales to produce enough power to fullfil the government's promise by 2020.

Is that Gunge in the video? :laugh8:
Heres the 2009 opinion of a war/weapon historian which is obviously the best source
Basically climate change is just like the Nazis

Wow he's a loon!

He's description of the fall of the Weimar republic & rise of the Nazi's is really over-simplified!!!

Still, once the world populations realise all this global warming bruhaha was just a way to raise taxes, well there'll be hell to pay.
All those chillies will supply a fair bit of wind. An impressive haul!
Cheers, it's my first year attempting to grow anything and I might have overdone it with 59 plants of 34 varieties. The freezer is full of 'em and I've got 8ish litres of various hot sauce, mostly near 100% chilli, not to mention the jars of powder and pickled ones.
I pulled these chillies from the garden this week. Hardly nippy, not that it matters because weather isn't climate and Cambridge isn't the globe.
View attachment 16454

Impressive! How's the date palms and bananas coming along, y'know, the stuff that the warmists were saying we'd be growing, 20 odd years ago? Remember Viner, the dude who said around the same time that our kids wouldn't know what snow looked like lol. Ye - weather isn't climate, but pieces of the jigsaw of it. Cambridge isn't the globe, true, but neither is any of the other tiny bits of the world which Schukman (sp?) can't wait to needlessly but gleefully inform us of when they have their hottest day for 30 years or summat and that we should all be slack-jawed in horror and regret at 'what we've done'. Tyndall will be turning in his grave.
Impressive! How's the date palms and bananas coming along, y'know, the stuff that the warmists were saying we'd be growing, 20 odd years ago? Remember Viner, the dude who said around the same time that our kids wouldn't know what snow looked like lol. Ye - weather isn't climate, but pieces of the jigsaw of it. Cambridge isn't the globe, true, but neither is any of the other tiny bits of the world which Schukman (sp?) can't wait to needlessly but gleefully inform us of when they have their hottest day for 30 years or summat and that we should all be slack-jawed in horror and regret at 'what we've done'. Tyndall will be turning in his grave.

Before my time I'm afraid, but I did look Viner up. I take it you're talking about the interview with him that was in The Independent in 2000, titled "Snowfalls are now just a thing of the past", which it appears is a favourite of denialists. Well, I've just read it, and the interview doesn't really match up to the title. In fact, he says that unlike when he was a kid, snow wouldn't be a regular thing but rarer, and when it did happen it would catch us by surprise and cause chaos. Pretty accurate actually.
Wow! But what are you going to do with them all!!
Giving them away mostly, as jars of chutney/pickle/sauce etc... I've got a load of Trinidad perfume in the freezer, which have the awesome pungent fruitiness of a habanero but without the heat, and I'm going to do some brewing with them. I'm thinking a lambic or perhaps an IPA. I haven't a clue what to do with the superhots. I should send some to Gunge.
Giving them away mostly, as jars of chutney/pickle/sauce etc... I've got a load of Trinidad perfume in the freezer, which have the awesome pungent fruitiness of a habanero but without the heat, and I'm going to do some brewing with them. I'm thinking a lambic or perhaps an IPA. I haven't a clue what to do with the superhots. I should send some to Gunge.
Trinidad perfume sounds awesome, I'll suggest my wife grows some next season. I love making pickled chillies and adding them to stews, curries, tomato sauces etc.

I made a chilli saison which I really enjoyed, the chilli flavour got hotter over time and more challenging which was interesting.
I pulled these chillies from the garden this week. Hardly nippy, not that it matters because weather isn't climate and Cambridge isn't the globe.
View attachment 16454
Nice haul. Looks like some nice baccatum var. there - lemon drop, Tinkerbell / friars hat? Looks mostly annuum though, I'm thinking Jamaican mushroom at 10 o clock? Fancy a seed swap? I'll pm you what I've got if you're up for it.
Seriously, you guys have fallen for it hook, line and sinker. But I still wish you well.
I wish you well, also, Gunge. But, in all seriousness here - no piss taking - I cannot comprehend what the "it" is that I have fallen for.
It seems to me that, on the balance of probability, the earth's climate is entering a period of unprecedentedly rapid change (at least in the history of the rise of mammals to be a dominant lifeform).
What I don't understand is why anyone would attempt to suggest that this is a "scam".
I can imagine that the opposite is true. I can imagine that global companies, with for example huge investments in fossil fuels, or huge investments in car production, might wish that no-one believed in anthropogenic global warming. Pretty obvious, because it would hurt their profits and their shareholders dividends.
I can therefore imagine why governments pay lip-service to "reducing the impact of global warming", but actually do sod-all. In our capitalist society, with too much influence in the hands of the very rich, the government does its best to keep donors and sympathisers happy. If "global warming" doesn't go down well with them, then they'll try to kick it into the long grass. Oh, and also get their friends in the right-wing press to emphasise to their readers that it's rubbish - to persuade as many of the populace as possible that it is "crapola".

So, as possibly one conspiracy theorist to another, please try to convince me that your conspiracy theory is more plausible than mine....:?:
Nice haul. Looks like some nice baccatum var. there - lemon drop, Tinkerbell / friars hat? Looks mostly annuum though, I'm thinking Jamaican mushroom at 10 o clock? Fancy a seed swap? I'll pm you what I've got if you're up for it.
Yup, the other baccatum are the aji Peruvian on the bottom right and the aji omnicolor on the top left. Also some chinense, the chocolate habs on the right, the orange habs to the left of them, and the golden ghosts up and to the left of the orange habs. The long ones are space chillies. I'd love to do a seed swap, but I didn't keep many as they were grown open pollination.
EDIT: There is also a frutescens there, the tabasco to the left of the aji Peruvian. They're fermenting away as we speak.
....and all the theories are actually lies about the truth?
As for climate change I think things are wobbling but in a normal way as far as centuries or even thousands of years go. If man has started a climate change so huge over say the last 100 years or so it'll take the same time or longer to stop or slow it...that's my simplistic thoughts in it. But I still think there's more to it...
If man has started a climate change so huge over say the last 100 years or so it'll take the same time or longer to stop or slow it...

Or a certain type of massive volcanic eruption, or maybe the descent into a Grand solar minimum as is happening right now. But no, forget all the spanners that could be thrown into the works.. CO2 has to be reduced regardless and we'll settle into this wonderful stable climate where everything is well with the world. That's cos it's nuthin to do with climate. I don't know whether folk are so dense that they just don't get it or couldn't care less about the magnitude of the scam being drip-fed to them. Probably a bit of both.
we are moving into a warmer phase. You have to go back to maggie thatcher was pm when it appeared to start about the co2 is bad. Did she use it as a reason to take down the miners? - The plants will lap up the extra co2 so greater crop yields as long as we dont cut them all down. The long term climate models have overshot reality they need to take more account of water vapour and the sun (free tip to anyone working on the climate models :laugh8: ). If you really believe co2 is evil remember we are producing co2 when we ferment. - maybe we should STOP to save the planet?
Y'know those soluble vitamin C tablets? I'm so hardcore that I skip the dissolving in water bit and scoff them straight outta the tube. The pain is immense but worth it cos I strut up and down foaming at the mouth like a rabid dog. There's just as much CO2 released from the sodium carbonate within, as when they're consumed as intended. But doing it that way doesn't produce the same huge, robust belches that scoffing 'em straight down does. Great fun, but I'd best make the most of it before the Climate Police get wind of my habit.
I know you're taking the mick, be here goes anyway

The plants will lap up the extra co2 so greater crop yields as long as we dont cut them all down.
Except that they aren't. We know exactly the ratio of carbon isotopes in plants, fossil fuels and pre-industrial air, and they're all different, so we can take samples now and work out what proportion comes from which source. About half of the billions of tonnes of CO2 we've released by burning fossil fuels is in the air and about half has been dissolved in the oceans. In total, about a third of the CO2 in the air comes from us burning fossil fuels.

The long term climate models have overshot reality they need to take more account of water vapour and the sun (free tip to anyone working on the climate models :laugh8: ).
I'm sure the climate modellers had never considered that it had something to do with the sun or water! You should send them an email. Anyway, we aren't talking about "long term" models, changes over thousands of years, but things happening in 10s or 100s of years.

If you really believe co2 is evil remember we are producing co2 when we ferment. - maybe we should STOP to save the planet?
I don't think anyone thinks CO2 is evil, but the stuff from fermentation is a) negligible, and b) green because the carbon was taken out of the atmosphere by the barley in the first place.
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