Getting my bottle stock up

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Jul 1, 2012
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I've just been to the pub again for my weekly collection of 500ml koperberg bottles and I got 21 today, I'm fairly building up a stock, I've got 120 with beer in them just now and 34 waiting on the next brew, best get another one on then !!!!
Are you being fussy or are these the only 500ml bottles the pub sell?

Problem I'll have with the pub my son does a bit of work for is that it's a trendy pub that mostly sells alcopops and bottled lager. I'm hoping they'll also do a brisk trade for magners/bulmers etc.
That's just mostly what they sell in bottles, I sometimes get magners bottles to but sometimes they feel tighter to cap.
Hhhmm I don't know about clear bottles, I think some guys on here told me to stay away from them but if you could ger carlsberg ones they would do.
alawlor66430 said:
That's just mostly what they sell in bottles, I sometimes get magners bottles to but sometimes they feel tighter to cap.
Hhhmm I don't know about clear bottles, I think some guys on here told me to stay away from them but if you could ger carlsberg ones they would do.

hi adam ... :thumb: .
i have also been told dont bottle beer/ale /stout/lager in clear glass ...
but also been told cider is ok ...
so iv got clear newcastle brown bottles waitting for my cider ...
and brown and green bottles waitting for my stout/beer/lager... :) ...

i get alot of hobgolin /or kopparberg mixd fruit bottles ...

both very easy to get the lables off ... :thumb: ...

regards mick... :hat: .
Brown is best, but clear and green (sorry Mick May) will lead to skunking if left for long enough in the slight.

But most of us have used clear bottles at some point, just store then in a closed cardboard box out of the light and they will be fine. :thumb: :thumb:
I'm glad about that. I have no intention of storing mine in the light (do people have them on show?)
I would guess I'd be storing mine either in a larder, in the garage on in the fridge!

Wilko only sell clear bottles (not that I would buy them at that cost).
graysalchemy said:
Brown is best, but clear and green (sorry Mick May) will lead to skunking if left for long enough in the slight.

But most of us have used clear bottles at some point, just store then in a closed cardboard box out of the light and they will be fine. :thumb: :thumb:

thank you graysalchemy ....

the green bottles i got are the kopparberg ones there a fairly dark green in the shade they look brown .......
are these ok for using for beer ...

does any one else use these ... :?:

and is it ok to put cider in clear bottles ...

regards mick... :hat: .
If I do get any clear bottles I keep them to one side :idea:

I bottle a few beers in clear bottles, stored in the cupboards/boxes and give them away as samples or as a 'thank you' for a favour and then I'm not bothered if I don't get the bottles back :idea: similar with green ones :!:

Mick, don't know about cider, but I do use a number of green bottles for beers, but they are all stored out of the light :thumb: they're just the ones I tend to give away and keep all my 'best' :oops: brown bottles :cheers:
My koperberg bottles are the same dark greenish brown, I've not had s problem but I put that down to keeping them in boxes in the cupboards or in the hut
alawlor66430 said:
My koperberg bottles are the same dark greenish brown, I've not had s problem but I put that down to keeping them in boxes in the cupboards or in the hut

hi adam so when i do my bottling i need to put them in boxes then as i do this in my bedroom ...
the trouble i have with this is ...
my last batch i done are in green and in brown bottles ...
that were in my bedroom not coverd in any way ...

would this have fecked them up ... :?: :?: :?: .


and no one told me about hidding green bottles from the light ...
and iv heard only good things about the grolsch bottles yet there green /ok some old ones are brown...
but you dont find many of them ..

regards mick... :hat: .
Depends on how long the were in the light, unless they were in direct sunlight they should be OK.

I presume you've taste tested them :whistle:
Baz Chaz said:
Depends on how long the were in the light, unless they were in direct sunlight they should be OK.

I presume you've taste tested them :whistle:

hi baz.... :thumb:

they were 2 weeks as you see them in the pic ....
so in the light all day .....
but not direct sun ....

and no i havent opend any yet..
i was waiting for them to get to 6 weeks in the cold ???

regards mick... :hat: .
I've used Grolsch green bottles and had no problems.
However again they were stored out of direct sunlight and not for long before they got drunk... :oops:
piddledribble said:
I've used Grolsch green bottles and had no problems.
However again they were stored out of direct sunlight and not for long before they got drunk... :oops:

thanks piddledribble.... :thumb: .

im off up to asda in a bit...
so ill try and get some boxes to put them in...
as i said i have them in my bedroom foor the 2 weeks in the warm ...
then theres no problem in the cold ...
as there in my shed with very little light getting in there ..

its just the first 2 weeks in my room im worried about ... :oops: ..
regards mick... :hat: .
They should be OK Mick, I'd just box 'em up as you say :thumb:

I'd certaily test one for quality control though :whistle:

although you may have stronger will power than me :lol:
I stick to glass brown bottle, both 500ml and 330ml. Luckily in my job there are plenty available and I do like to vigorously research the beers that are out there.
Baz Chaz said:
They should be OK Mick, I'd just box 'em up as you say :thumb:

I'd certaily test one for quality control though :whistle:

although you may have stronger will power than me :lol:

hi baz... :cheers: ..
iv got some boxes ready for the next batch.... :thumb: .


ok then you twisted my arm ...ill try a bottle later 2night.. :drink: .
regards mick... :hat: .
alawlor66430 said:
I've had them out for a week or do before mick and they've always been fine

thanks adam .... :thumb: .

i will see later 2night if theres a funny taste or not... :drink: .
regards mick... :hat:
Hirsty said:
I stick to glass brown bottle, both 500ml and 330ml. Luckily in my job there are plenty available and I do like to vigorously research the beers that are out there.

hi Hirsty .. :thumb: .
id like all brown bottles....
but there not very easy for me to get ...

so i get what i can and have to make do.... :oops: .

regards mick... :hat: .