General election & new Labour government thread.

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In that case i will throw in he will be Tory leader within a couple of months.

Based on..? There's a difference between making assumptions about someone based on their actual past behaviours, than just throwing sh*t at the wall.

Heaven help them if he ever ends up their leader.
It's more like a 'third gender'. It's difficult to define really. I imagine gender as more of a spectrum, but even that has it's issues i.e. are Male and Female at either end of that spectrum or are they regions within the spectrum. If gender is defined by how you reproduce what if humans evolve so they can reproduce asexually? There are people who are hermaphrodite so you do get people who are physically 'a bit of both' but there are also gender fluid people who identify as different genders at different times. I'm not sure on the science of being gender fluid and whether their hormones change to inspire what gender they are at the time.

It's not an easy subject, but my opinion is that someone presenting as a gender which makes them feel more themself and having the freedom to do so doesn't hurt anyone so more power to them.
Gender isn’t defined by how you reproduce, that’s sex. Arguably the definition of gender varies according to country, but it’s much more to do with conforming to what is considered typically and expected male / female behaviour, roles, clothing etc. I firmly believe that if we didn’t delineate what was “male” and what was “female” quite so much people would be a lot happier and would feel less need to announce that they were gender fluid or opposite gender. For example (and yes I know there is the body shape issue) rather than having male and female clothes, just have clothes and everyone is free to wear any combination without being judge, spat at or beaten up.
Based on..

There has been plenty of discussion about this on several radio stations and in the papers some say he will go to America some say Tory leader he says he will stay with Reform because in his words "The Tories are dead" in the next few weeks will see if he is telling the truth.
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Very true. His base thought it was great that he didn't bother his a*rse with European Parliament though. They might be less chuffed when he swans off to Washington in November, and doesn't run constituency surgeries.
He turned up on his last day to remind them his work was done, and the French man said why are you still here
More accountable than the fish woman i expect, i don't think he has a camper van athumb..

She will never hold public office again and is under police investigation. What part of that isn't being held to account? You didn't really think this through did you? 🤪
She was unaccountable for years or does that not count, it was the public who didn't see it but i did, always said she was bent athumb..

But she has been held to account. She's under police investigation her career is over, and one of the results is that party that she spent her life working for has had its reputation dragged through the gutter.

The party fund embezzlement case only started a few years ago. When do you think she should've been held accountable? Not really sure how someone can be held accountable for something that hasn't happened yet. Did you know something that the police didn't?

Also, given she's not been charged with anything yet, you might want to reconsider that last statement.

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