jenki said:
unclepumble said:
Given a choice I would vote UKIP, as I would like to be out of Europe.
However, I think a vote away from either Conservative or Labour is a wasted vote, it will only add to the likelihood of a hung parliament, which will be a complete Nightmare.
Whoever gets in is a crook, nobody is there to help anyone but themselves, its always been that way and it will never change.
If cony's get in it'll be yeah sorry about this and that were fixing what labour did blah blah and labour we'll be paying 15 quid a litre for petrol
It wont be long before the £15 a ltr, The conservatives "will" be saying sorry we are trying to fix what labour did, because if they get in they will be trying to fix what labour did, and so will any other party that will gain power.
Labour have hocked the country ever since they gained power in the early part of the 20th century,
1, Borrowed billions to set up welfare state, just after the war, (and put us for ever in the debt of the USA)
2, Opened up borders to commenwealth country's then could not deal with the massive influx of immigration.
3, Broke the country under Wilson and chancellor Dennis Healey in the seventies bringing the country to its knees.
4, Sold the gold reserves, (advertising the fact allowing the market price to fall to a record low the day before the sale loosing billions in the process)
5, Took us into the Iraq conflict, (How much has this cost us, & what benefit does the uk get from it Cheaper Oil Prices? :wha: :nono: )
6, Yet again opened the floodgates to mass immigration, without the infrastructure or money to deal with it.
7, Allowed the banks to deal in such a way in this country, that we are now facing one of the biggest financial crisis we have ever faced, then said they had no control or are in no way to blame for the problems, (lets face it it was the big looser's that GB had the biggest influence in, Halifax, LLoyds TSB, RBS, the heads of those banks are all doing just fine after walking away on massive pensions etc, something the GOV could have done something about but chose not too, maybe If they had a few more whistles may have been blown)
8, Done nothing about increasing industry, or manufacturing, If left to weave the web they are on they will bury UK manufacturing.
Whoever takes power needs to shake up the state, it takes 3 average working families, to provide enough money to pay for the average benefits family, therefore very soon the scales are not going to work.
The thing that really worries me though is the speed that Europe is picking up pace, very soon it wont be the conservatives or labour or lib dems, it will be the republic that decides what you do, & labour have just handed over the keys to the country, without asking us. Where was the referendum Gordon, Did I miss something?
Labour has had a war on the lords, since it has taken power, apart from largely removing the the lords powers to veto stupid bills it has filled the chamber with its cronies, largely by selling tickets to peer ship's, and got away with it, the governments governer is no more, therefore they can do as they please even when it is not in the interests of the people.
And the Labour party do not have the interests of the people that stoke the engines, the ones who provide the cash to pay for there wonderful utopian ideas.
Lets be honest in an Ideal world it would be wonderful for everyone to have their ills treated no questions asked, to have the children educated to the highest levels possible, etc, etc, etc,
However, you can not do the above without cash, and to provide that cash you need workers that pay the taxes, if you strangle the work providers enough so they cannot make profit, then there will be no work.
Every small business man I speak to is struggling to make ends meet, they are laying people off left right and centre, and just concentrating on paying their own way by what ever means, these people are the backbone of our society and they need help to drag us out of the Mire, This lot that are in now don't care about the small business man, the back handers from big business outweigh what the average John brings to the party.
As a Footnote, this may be more interest than my diatribe:
I read that Small Cider producers can produce up to 70 hectolitres of cider, and sell it etc, before they need to register with HMRC as cider producers. Now then I think we should have a level playing field and as home brewers be given the same privilegde, then we could easily provide the odd cask/keg to the local, or local beer festival, sell a bit to our mates to cover the cost of the hops grain etc, without getting into trouble, therefore I think we all need to write to our local MP to get this passed in parliment, It would only take a draft letter as per back the pub campaign.