Whatever the people want and decide outside of a referendum means diddly squat, in my view Scotland will never get a vote unless they take matters into their own hands. The British monarchy has ruled these lands for a thousand years, there is not a cat in hell's chance that they, nor the people that protect them (MPs/Establishment) are going to allow centuries of power and wealth be taken away from them. The establishment will use every trick in the book to prevent it and they will get their way.
Scotland is going to have to take some drastic action to enact change, otherwise they are whistling in the wind.
And on a pure selfish note, whilst I agree that people's referendums are a chance for us commoners to possibly enact change, I disagree that any part of the Union should be given preferential treatment over another when we are all ruled by the tyranny of Westminster. We should ALL get the chance to vote against (or for) the regime and the monarchy in one big mahoosive referendum that tells them to do one.